Disorders of the Bones Fracture a break in the bone The only way to confirm a fracture is to get a radiography X-ray 1. CLOSED or SIMPLE fracture bone is broken, but does not break through the skin Treated by a “closed reduction” A cast or splint is applied to bring bones into alignment
Osteomyelitis bone infection Disorders of the Bones 2.Open or Compound fracture bone is broken and it penetrates the skin creating an open wound This is the most serious type of fracture!!! WHY!!! Infection in the wound and the bone Osteomyelitis bone infection
Disorders of the Bones
Disorders of the Bones Treatment for an open fracture is an “open reduction” Surgical intervention with devices such as screws, wires, metal plates to hold bones together Traction pulling forces used to hold bones in place until they can be repaired Usually long bones
Disorders of the Bones TRACTION OF THE FEMUR
Bones are softer and more flexible Disorders of the Bones 3. Comminuted fracture -bone breaks and shatters - fragments get lodged in surrounding tissues 4. Greenstick fracture -bone bends and splinters, but does not break completely -seen in children Why??? Bones are softer and more flexible
Disorders of the Bones 5. Depressed fracture occurs in the skull bone is broken and falls inward on the brain What happens when you receive a depressed skull fracture??? Brain bleeding and edema
Disorders of the Bones Other bone injuries: Dislocation bone is displaced from it’s normal position Sprain sudden or unusual motion causing ligaments to be torn Occurs at a joint What S/S will you see??? Redness, edema, pain, discoloration Treatment “RICE” Rest Ice Crutches/Compression Elevation (ace wraps)
Disorders of the Bones Ankle sprain