To explore what makes a healthy relationship Relationships Learning objectives: To explore what makes a healthy relationship
Write a list of healthy relationship traits
Expectations from partners Write a job application for a future boyfriend/girlfriend. Think about what you expect/would want in a future partner. Common interests Respects my parents Gets on with my friends Time apart Athletic Someone who makes me laugh Write 3 interview questions for a potential boy/girl friend. What would you want to find out beforehand?
What makes an unhealthy relationship?
Domestic Violence is….. Physical, emotional, sexual or financial abuse which takes place in an intimate relationship.
NSPCC SURVEY Read the NSPCC report summary and answer the following questions: Why do you think that boys downplay the violence? Why do you think that girls with older boyfriends are more likely to experience violence? Try to think of 5 ways in which having a violent relationship could effect someone?
Effects for teens are: Pregnancy Self harm STI Grades decline Low self-esteem STI Grades decline Isolation Pregnancy Depression Self harm
Watch the following clips from a Government advert: The advert was positive because… The advert was negative because…. Something that could be improved was…. Something I learnt was….
Use the information sheet provided to design a poster/ad promoting: healthy relationships Warning signs of abuse What teens should expect from a boy/girlfriend.