Fall 2016 College of Law Student Org Meeting
Who to Contact Student Organization Help & Information Csil-student-org@uiowa.edu Josh Schoenfeld – President, Graduate & Professional Student Government (GPSG) Joshua-Schoenfeld@uiowa.edu
Financial Support From Student Government GPSG Chief Financial Officer, Rondine Allen rondine-allen@uiowa.edu Gpsg.uiowa.edu Funding Tab Any questions about funding requests, processes, decisions, etc. need to be directed to either Noopur Inani or Rondine Allen at the emails listed above. Additional contact information is on the Resource handout as well.
Policy Updates! University Policies that are relevant to student organizations and org leaders are found on the Dean of Student Website!!!
What is Relevant?? Section B – All of it!! Section C. - policies and procedures for the discipline of student organizations
UI licensing (Uilicensing.com) Click on Licensing Policies to access the Student Organization Policy Upcoming Student Org. Development Series “Working with the UI Licensing Program” – Wednesday, September 21 at 2:30 PM - Penn State Rm (#337 IMU) You will find the Student Organization Policy related to UI Licensing in the drop-down menu when you click on Licensing Policies. Within the policy you will find the Approval Request form. Any student organization that produces SWAG is encouraged to send the member(s) who will be in charge of designing the swag, to the upcoming Student Org. Development Series session on Wednesday, September 21!!! Dale Ahrens and Christa Roberts from Licensing will be on hand to talk about the rationale behind design approvals as well as answer questions organizations may have about the approval process.
Event Information Forms Initiated when: Collect or spend money Show a film or copyrighted material Requesting alcohol service Start at least one month prior to your event, and all approvals have been signed, and EIF turned in AT LEAST 2 weeks prior to the event. An EIF is initiated by Event Services or the Student Organization Business Office depending on the circumstance and what the student organization wants to do. Don’t wait until the deadline to start getting the approval signatures!!
Vetting an Event Planning an event for Youth (non-UI student under age 18) Planning a “routed” event (walk, run, race, etc.) Contact Kristi Finger (Kristi-finger@uiowa.edu) Any student organization that is planning a “race” (competitive or not), must contact Kristi Finger to start the approval process. Regardless of whether the event has been happening “for years” or is brand new, you need to contact Kristi at least 3 months prior to your preferred event date!
Collecting Money Online Collecting money for your organization online MUST go through SignMeUp.com (contracted UI vendor) This includes event registrations, donations, product sales (i.e. t-shirts, etc.) Student organizations are not allowed to use PayPal, GetMeRegistered.com, GoFundMe, or any other 3-rd party site to accept financial transactions on behalf of their organization. This violates University policy and the organization can face discipline action for violating the policy. Contact Paul Braem in the IMU Business office to set up a SignMeUp.com site if the group doesn’t have one already.
Student Organization Business Office (SOBO) 159 IMU sobo@uiowa.edu 319-335-3065 http://csil.uiowa.edu/sobo Aiding student groups with all things financial. Payments, purchases, travel plans, contracts and more.
Student Organizations All student organization funds in a SOBO account and/or department account only NO BANK OR CREDIT UNION ACCOUNTS Only an authorized signature representative (student) may sign and approve org. spending Advisor approval is optional (unless noted in bylaws, constitution, etc.) Signature reps. may be held responsible for unauthorized purchases, events, etc. Expected to keep track of account balance and pending expenses independent from SOBO
Things to Know Which funds you are spending: SABAC (UISG) GPAC (GPSG) CSIL Grant “00” own revenue funds Plan trips, events, major purchases 2 weeks prior. Request all other purchases 2 days prior. All printing and copying is done on campus. All Student Org. purchases involving a design must be submitted for approval (Licensing).
Student Organization FAQ Treasurer Resources csil.uiowa.edu/sobo Student Organization FAQ Financial Guidelines Contact us (sobo@uiowa.edu) for 1-on-1 assistance