Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1


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Presentation transcript:

Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1 I am interested in learning about . . . I want to learn about . . . I like the part of the lesson where we will . . . Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1

Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1 This photograph shows . . . I see . . . Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1

Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1 A structure like this would be built because . . . The CN Tower would have been Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1

Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1 The CN Tower might inspire someone because . . . I am inspired by the CN Tower because . . . Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1

Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1 I am quizzical about . . . I would seize a pan from the stove because . . . Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1

Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1 The first word is . . . The next word is . . . Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1

Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1 I think this word means . . . The word that has the closest meaning to this is . . . Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1

Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1 Gigantic means . . . Another word that means the same thing is . . . Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1

Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1 My homework assignment for tonight is to . . . I understand . . . Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1

Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1 An example of an expository text is . . . Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1

Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1 An example of on-the-surface information is . . . Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1

Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1 It is important to read for under-the-surface meaning because . . . Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1

Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1 I know about . . . It can help us understand . . . Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1

Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1 One example of a boldfaced word is . . . One example of a visual aid is . . . Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1

Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1 My prediction is . . . My evidence is . . . Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1

Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1 One text feature I found is . . . It is an example of . . . Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1

Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1 My summary is . . . Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1

Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1 Malls offer more than just stores because . . . Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1

Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1 I added the adjectives . . . The new sentence is . . . Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1

Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1 I found the sentence . . . The adjectives are . . . Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1

Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1 My favorite building is . . . Some words I would use to describe it are . . . Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1

Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1 The five stages of the writing process are . . . Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1

Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1 One thing I read about super malls is . . . Super malls include . . . Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1

Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1 One verb is . . . I underlined . . . I numbered the feature . . . Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1

Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1 The checklist helps us to . . . The checklist reminds us that we need to . . . Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1

Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1 In order to receive a 4, a report must . . . A report will . . . Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1

Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1 A descriptive report earning a 3 will include . . . A 3 descriptive report will contain . . . Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1

Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1 Super Malls include . . . One interesting thing I remember about super malls is . . . Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1

Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1 The reason I chose . . . In my opinion . . . Level 2, Unit 4, Chapter 1, Lesson 1