The Manufacturing North & Agricultural South A nation divided The Manufacturing North & Agricultural South
Physical Characteristics are natural parts of the Earth’s surface. Hot, Dry Climate Coniferous Vegetation, Cold Climate Mountains Beaches Tropical Vegetation River Grade 5, Unit 4, Lesson 5 Resource 5A
What are some physical characteristics in Louisville and Kentucky? Grade 5, Unit 4, Lesson 5 Resource 5A
Grade 5, Unit 4, Lesson 5 Resource 5A Falls of the Ohio Grade 5, Unit 4, Lesson 5 Resource 5A
Grade 5, Unit 4, Lesson 5 Resource 5A Ohio River Grade 5, Unit 4, Lesson 5 Resource 5A
Grade 5, Unit 4, Lesson 5 Resource 5A Parks (Cherokee Park) Grade 5, Unit 4, Lesson 5 Resource 5A
Grade 5, Unit 4, Lesson 5 Resource 5A Mammoth Cave Grade 5, Unit 4, Lesson 5 Resource 5A
Appalachian Mountains Grade 5, Unit 4, Lesson 5 Resource 5A
Grade 5, Unit 4, Lesson 5 Resource 5A Rolling Hills Grade 5, Unit 4, Lesson 5 Resource 5A
Cold Winters and Warm Summers Grade 5, Unit 4, Lesson 5 Resource 5A
Human characteristics are the pattern that people make on the surface of the Earth. Religion Housing Land Usage Culture Population Language
What are 3 human characteristics of Louisville and/or Kentucky? Answer this question in your social studies notebook and share answers with a partner. Grade 5, Unit 4, Lesson 5 Resource 5A
What do you notice about this region?
Look at these maps. What do you notice? What economic activity dominated this region in the 1800s? Answer: Manufacturing
Look at these maps. What physical & human characteristics made industry successful in this region?
Look at these maps. Physical: 1) Access to waterways, 2) Region is somewhat mountainous which would make it difficult for agriculture, 3) Climate not optimal for agriculture
Look at these maps. Human: 1) Large urban areas, 2) Large population for workforce; especially immigrants, 3) access to new technologies.
The Manufacturing North So we’ve learned that manufacturing was the main economic activity in the North because of the physical and human characteristics of the region. Next, we will be exploring how manufacturing affected social conditions in the North and how democratic principles changed because of manufacturing.
The Manufacturing North With a partner or your table, read through the informational packet. Look at the supporting image or pictures. Discuss the questions for each. Answer the questions in your social studies notebook. Everyone must answer #3 in your notebook. Be prepared to turn in your answers for a grade!
The Manufacturing North The development of manufacturing as the North’s primary economy created changes in society. Because of these changes in society, the promotion of democratic principles changed. In some cases, the principles were expanded and in other cases they were limited.
Closing – The Manufacturing North Answer one question in your s.s. notebook. Identify one democratic principle and explain how it was promoted as manufacturing developed in the North. OR Identify one democratic principle and explain how it was NOT promoted as manufacturing developed in the North.