Ephesians & Colossians BIBLE TEST 1 Ephesians & Colossians matching, multiple choice, T/F, short answer (50 points)
What to Study? (Lessons1-3, 5-7) Know your verses (Ephesians 2:8-9; Colossians 3:1-2) Review terms in the chapter headings (example: adoption, saint, etc.) Review chapter questions and highlighted terms Review notes Email: Zonk game will be sent via email. *Suggestion: Quiz each other!
ZONK!!! *If a question has a ZONK label at the bottom, you must draw from the fish bag.
Definition: A believer who is set apart or sanctified. saint
The word “beloved” represents _____________. The Lord Jesus Christ
Who or what is the believer’s seal? Holy Spirit
A seal represents _______ and ________. security & ownership ZONK!
Paul’s expression in Ephesians for the believer’s position is _____ ______. (2 words) In Christ ZONK!
God says Christians should be holy and without _______before Him. blame
Give 3 illustrations that Paul uses to show the relationship of believers to one another. building, family, body
Jesus’ prayer that believers would be ____ just as He and His Father were. ONE ZONK!
God has called us to “keep the unity of the _____in the bond of peace Spirit
Cerinthus, an early anti-Christ, blended ______, Judaism, and Christianity and was an enemy of the apostle John. Gnosticism
The Bible tells us we are to walk _____, which means carefully adhering to a standard. circumspectly ZONK!
“Wherefore putting away ____speak every man truth with his neighbor: for we are members one of another.” LYING
The remedy for stealing is to ____. WORK
What is the positive conduct for corrupt communication? Use edifying words
Be kind and forgive each other. What is the positive conduct for grieving the Spirit with bitterness, anger, etc.? Be kind and forgive each other.
We are to walk in love because_____________? Christ has loved us. ZONK!
Who were the first missionaries sent overseas from the US? Judsons ZONK!
Despite slow results at the beginning of his ministry, Judson planted ____churches. 63 ZONK!
To the Christian, the breastplate represents _____. righteousness
To the Christian, the belt represents _____. truth
To the Christian, the helmet represents _____. salvation
Paul was writing from ____when he wrote Colossians. Prison ZONK!
Who first preached the true gospel to the Colossians? Epaphras
To the Christian, the sword represents _____. the Word of God
To the Christian, the shield represents _____. faith
What doctrinal error does Paul refute in Colossians 1-2? Gnosticism ZONK!
Another name for our sinful human flesh and old nature is the ____ ____. Old Man
What is a Christian supposed to do to the deeds of the flesh? Put them to death
Who was the main goddess of Ephesus? Diana/ Artemis ZONK!
A Christian who simply soaks in what the world is saying has opened himself up to _____influence? satanic
Fallen, ,corrupt human nature that is at war with God and controlled by evil is called the _____. flesh
Salvation is by grace through faith in CHRIST—_____! ALONE ZONK!
Sonship brings ____ and _____. privilege, responsibility
We are God’s unique “work of ____” declaring His creative power and glory. art
Christ removed the “____” of division. wall
List three of the necessary attitudes for unity. Love, lowliness, meekness, longsuffering, forbearance, diligence ZONK!