Bell Ringer #4: Albert Einstein DIRECTIONS: Write the quote in your comp. book. Read over the quote and the directions and respond to the question by deciding on the task and choosing an appropriate style. This is an independent thinking activity, meaning you must reason through the assignment on your own, even if you have questions.
Bell Ringer Example Response Maime’s Response: Tenacity makes individuals stand out more than intelligence. Where intelligence is natural ability, sticking with a task to see it though to completion can be learned. One such example is learning a new skill. It can be frustrating when one is asked to do a command they feel exceeds their ability, but with some praise, they can be encouraged to continue until they’ve mastered it.
Housekeeping Announcements: No Name Paper Wall Turn in your Context Clues Types worksheet to the class inbox. If you don’t have it… Home Learning: Collections textbook (hard cover) needed until told otherwise Complete weekly A3Ks by Sunday
The Fine Print Standards: I can… cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text (RL.1.1) analyze how particular elements of a story interact (RL.1.3) determine the central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text (RL.1.2) write an objective summary of the text (RL.1.2) engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (SL.1.1).
The Fine Print Essential Question: How does setting affects characters’ traits, motivations, and actions in the short story “Another Place, Another Time”? Cite textual evidence to support your answer.
Introduction Would life be better or worse if things were always how we perceive them to be?
We Do page 107 Open your Collections textbook to the beginning of the “Another Place, Another Time” text. Give your hands a break with this verbal practice.
We Do page 93 Open your Collections textbook to the beginning of the “Another Place, Another Time” text. Give your hands a break with this verbal practice.
“Another Place, Another Time” Double-Entry Notes Detail (From the text) Citation Explanation (From the reader) “Gilbert hated time. What a tyrant it was!” Line 1 Time is relative. In this case, Gilbert loathes it and equates it to a tyrant. “The seconds that whipped past when he was playing a brilliant game.” Lines 2-3 When Gilbert is having fun time moves quickly. “The eternity it took for summer to arrive at the beach at the bottom of the cliffs … and Father took to the sea once more” 4-7 We can infer Gilbert enjoys time with his Father because he finds it agonizing for him to return home from his job at sea. Detail (From the text) Citation Explanation (From the reader) “Gilbert hated time. What a tyrant it was!” Line 1 Time is relative. In this case, Gilbert loathes it and equates it to a tyrant. “The seconds that whipped past when he was playing a brilliant game.” Lines 2-3 When Gilbert is having fun time moves quickly. Detail (From the text) Citation Explanation (From the reader) “Gilbert hated time. What a tyrant it was!” Line 1 Time is relative. In this case, Gilbert loathes it and equates it to a tyrant. Detail (From the text) Citation Explanation (From the reader) Print out 36 full size or 18 half size
Work Period 2) Independent Work 1) Technology 3) Early Finisher Materials Needed: Pencil Collections textbook Comp. book Computer Article Analysis Sheet Conversation Level 1 Read “Another Place, Another Time” starting on p. 93 in the Collections textbook Add entries to your Double-Entry Notes in your comp. book as your read Due at the end of NEXT class. Navigate to Achieve 3000. Complete the assigned article: “Verbal Communication” (BR poll – Thought Question) Due by the end of NEXT class. Conversation Level 0 Items MUST be completed in the following order: Check over today’s work before submitting. Check the No Name Paper Wall. Check your grades in Focus and work on any absent/late work you still can. Work on weekly A3K articles. Work on work for another class or read silently.
Packing Up Checklist HOMEWORK: Weekly A3Ks due Sunday @ 11:59 P.M on Jan. 15 DO THE FOLLOWING: Hold onto your Context Clues Types worksheet. It will be your ticket out of class today. Plug in your computers Return teacher’s supplies you borrowed where they belong Throw away trash Pack-up personal belongings Sit silently and wait for teacher to dismiss you
Closing Points Earned Letter Grade 32 – 29 points A 28 – 26 points B 25 – 23 points C 22 – 20 points D 19 points and below F Review the Context Clues Types worksheet by doing the following: Leave it alone if answer is right Circle question and fix any missed part if (part of) answer is wrong Each component is worth a point; each question is worth four points Total up score
Closing Number five lines on a separate piece of paper. Be sure to skip several lines, so you have space to write. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
1 Closing Caroline made a “yuck” face when the pill dissolved before she could wash it down. It left an acrid taste in her mouth.
2 Closing When Marina first realized she left her books at home, she freaked out. Then, she remembered how good she was at making the best of a bad situation, and she knew she could cope.
3 Closing After they lost their apartment, Jerry’s family lived like vagrants, moving from place to place with no place to call home.
4 Closing The audience wasn’t paying attention until Cierra took the stage. They were captivated by her exciting performance.
5 Closing “Don’t use the same sentence structure all the time,” Ms. Barker said. “Vary the word order from time to time.”