Фрагмент уроку англійської мови за темою “Commercials on TV” Listening
Pre-listening activities What all this types of Mass Media have in common? Let’s speak about them. Where can you find commercials? Do people like them? Why?
Word file: to advertise, advertisements, advertiser– рекламувати, реклама, рекламодавець commercials - "commercial" is usually restricted to TV and radio whereas advertisements can be found in magazines/newspapers entertainment - is a form of activity, gives pleasure and delight snob - людина, яка претендує на вишукано-витончений смак, на виняткове коло занять, інтересів advantages – disadvantages – переваги - недоліки to do harm - have a negative impact to interfere –to trouble without permission to propagandize violence - rough relationships, terrorism
While-listening activities Watch videos and fill in 2 gaps in the table Student’s card1. Fill in 2 gaps in the table What is being advertised? What reasons are given in favor of these products? What effect was used? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Check yourself What is being advertised? What reasons are given in favour of these products? What effect was used? 1 Adidas Perfect quality, lasts long 2 Chrysler Luxury and comfort 3 iPad You can do everything with the help of it 4 Fanta time to walk and play, makes your life bright 5 Shampoo “Head & Shoulders” Thick, long hair 6 Protect the children Be attentive to others, if you need help you may ask for it in this service 7 Toothpaste “Sensodyne” White teeth without problems
Psychological effects of commercials the snob effect; the scientific effect; the go-go effect; the word and music effect; the supermodern effect; the ha-ha effect; the VIP effect. Student’s card 2 Try to find the definition for every effect. (Matching) 1 the snob effect A The name of the product is repeated over and over again, put into a rhyme and sung several times. In the hope that you want forget it. The sung rhyme is called the “jingle” 2 the scientific effect B You are told that the product is the most exclusive and of course rather expensive. Only the very best people use it. 3 the go-go effect C Well-known people (stars, football players, actors) are shown using this product 4 the word and music effect D A serious-looking man with glasses and a white coat, possibly a doctor or a professor, tells you about the advantages of the product. 5 the supermodern effect E The advertiser tries to make you laugh by showing people or cartoon figures in funny situations. 6 the ha-ha effect F This is suitable for teen market. It shows young people having a party, singing, laughing, having a wonderful time and, of course, using this product 7. the VIP effect G You are told that the product is made with the use of the latest technologies Check yourself 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B D F A G E C
the scientific effect; the go-go effect; the word and music effect; Watch videos again and try to define what effects were used in these commercials? (Fill in the 3rd column in the table) the snob effect; the scientific effect; the go-go effect; the word and music effect; the supermodern effect; the ha-ha effect; the VIP effect.
Check yourself What is being advertised? What reasons are given in favour of these products? What effect was used? 1 Adidas Perfect quality, lasts long VIP effect 2 Chrysler Luxury and comfort Snob effect, 3 iPad You can do everything with the help of it Supermodern effect 4 Fanta time to walk and play, makes your life bright Go-go effect 5 Shampoo “Head & Shoulders” Thick, long hair Ha-ha effect 6 Protect the children Be attentive to others, if you need help you may ask for it in this servise Word-and-music effect 7 Toothpaste “Sensodyne” White teeth without problems Scientific effect
After-listening activities Discussion Name advantages and disadvantages of commercial Advantages Disadvantages - It is available for everybody and suit any age group and social class - Latest news, information and advertisements of any kind - One of the best form of entertainment - Can be used in educational purpose Helps to form public opinion - Interferes into the private life of a person, too intrusive - Given information may be not correct or even false/ Can misinterpret the information - Propagandize violence and do harm to the psychological health - Makes a person addicted to it - Can manipulate people’s minds
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