Amber W, Nick D, Danny K, Lindsey E Twelfth Night Act 5 Amber W, Nick D, Danny K, Lindsey E
Act 5, Scene 1 As Orsino and Viola approach Olivia's house, a couple officers bring Antonio to Orsino Antonio explains the story of how he took care of Sebastian (who right now he is mistaking Cesario for) and how Sebastian betrayed him. Olivia enters and she too mistakes Cesario for Sebastian, whom she just married. Orsino, feeling betrayed by Cesario, wants to sacrifice Cesario so that Oliva can love him. Expressing her love for Orsino, Viola agrees to this
Scene 1 Cont. Olivia, feeling betrayed by her spouse, calls in the priest to prove their marriage. Suddenly Sir Andrew appears, calling for a doctor. He exclaims that he and Sir Toby were just in a fight with Cesario. While Viola denies it, Olivia orders Sir Andrew and Sir Toby to go seek medical attention. Finally, Sebastian appears apologizing for beating up Toby and Andrew
Scene 1 Cont. As Sebastian sees Antonio and tells him how much he missed him, everyone becomes bewildered by Viola and Sebastian. Viola and Sebastian start interrogating each other about Family history to prove who they are. Viola tells Sebastian to wait until she has woman clothes on again and everyone realizes that Viola is actually a girl Orsino, realizing Olivia married Sebastian, turns to Viola and asks to see her in girl clothes
Scene 1 Cont. Because her clothes are with the captain Viola arrived with, they need Malvolio and remember that he is in the dark room. Feste and Fabian come in with a letter from Malvolio and as they read it the realize that he does not sound insane so they bring him in. Malvolio comes in demanding to know why he's been treated so badly and shows the letter to Olivia that he thinks is from her.
Scene 1 Cont. When Olivia denies that she wrote that letter, Fabian interrupts and explains the trick that has been played and he mentions Sir Toby got married to Maria in thanks for her pranks. Malvolio vows for revenge on all of them and storms out. Orsino sends for someone to go and make peace with Malvolio and get Viola's clothes. He then announces the double wedding will be celebrated when Viola gets her clothes. Everyone leaves but Feste who sings a mournful song about growing up and old, ending the play.
Looking into the text- Satire Understatement: Olivia offers to pay for a wedding for Orsino and he gives Viola his hand in marriage because of her loyal service. Girls were not supposed to work, so her loyal service is a big deal now that everyone knows she is a girl Invection: In this scene, there is some direct denunciation or name-calling throughout the misunderstanding. (Viola getting these invections from Antonio, Sir Andrew, and Orsino) This shows how misunderstandings and lack of communication can cause senseless bitterness and ruin relationships. Exaggeration: Orsino tells Viola that he'll still call her Cesario while she's dressed as a man. Even though her true identity is revealed, Orsino would rather exaggerate her disguise than look past it. This questions Orsino's sexist nature; Orsino is seeing Viola's appearence (her clothes), not her personality.
Satiric elements continued Low burlesque: Olivia learns that she was tricked into marrying a stranger, and Orsino was in love with Olivia and only just learned that he could even be attracted to Viola, and yet they both seem easily able to fall in love with their respective twin-spouses. Here, Shakespheare's critiquing something from our essential question "What is the difference between friendship, lust, and love?" Why are these two able to switch who they love so quickly? Did Olivia really love Cesario? Did Orsino truly love Olivia? Do they love who they're marrying now?
Important Quotations Explained #1 "Orsino, noble sir, Be pleased that I shake off these names you give me. Antonio never yet was thief or pirate, Though, I confess, on base and ground enough, Orsino’s enemy. A witchcraft drew me hither. That most ingrateful boy there by your side From the rude sea’s enraged and foamy mouth Did I redeem. A wreck past hope he was. His life I gave him and did thereto add My love, without retention or restraint, All his in dedication. ...
Important Quotes Explained cont. For his sake Did I expose myself, pure for his love, Into the danger of this adverse town, Drew to defend him when he was beset, Where being apprehended, his false cunning, (Not meaning to partake with me in danger) Taught him to face me out of his acquaintance, And grew a twenty-years-removed thing While one would wink, denied me mine own purse Which I had recommended to his use Not half an hour before." -Antonio pg. 505
Important Quotes Explained cont. This quote represents the essential question of "What is the difference between friendship, lust, and love?" Antonio truly understands the differences between these three forms of feeling, and proves it by explaining what he has done for Sebastian, a man he had just met. Everyone in this play seems to not believe in truly loving someone for whom their actual identity is. Antonio is a great example of someone who loves so unconditionally, that it almost makes him seem ignorant.
Important Quotes Explained #2 "Marry, sir, they praise me and make an ass of me, now my foes tell me plainly I am an ass. So that by my foes, sir I profit in the knowledge of myself, and by my friends, I am abused. So that, conclusions to be as kisses, if your four negatives make your two affirmatives, why then the worse for my friends and the better for my foes." -Feste pg. 503 Class activity part 1: What's this quote saying? What essential question would you put this quote under?
Important Quotes Explained cont. This quote relates to the essential question of "Are relationships a necessary component of our lives? What are the benefits and costs of being in a relationship?" Feste claims in this quote that his friends praise him, which makes him feel like they are hiding the fact that he's a fool, while his enemies plainly tell him that he is a fool. Since his enemies straightforwardly tell him that he is a fool, he believes that his enemies help him understand himself better, which is an advantage. Feste thinks that his friends lie to him, which is a disadvantage. By this reasoning, Feste convinces himself that two wrongs make a right, making him simply worse off with his friends and better off with his enemies.
Character Development in Act 5 Scene 1 Orsino- Shows respect for Antonio's skill at sea, perhaps the first moment where he sounds professional rather than love-sick. He also nearly kills Viola out of bitterness and dramatics, which can be interpreted many ways. In the end, he throws away his love for Olivia easily when he learns Viola is actually a noble woman. Olivia- Throws away the secrecy of her marriage out of fear of Cesario backing out of it. Learns she married a stranger, but since he has her love's face, it makes no difference to her. She continues to show support for her family and Malvolio. Sebastian- Shows he has a violent side. Also fesses up about who he is. Seemed completely unaware of the possibility that his sister could have been alive, even seeing her. Viola- Despite everything, she is easily willing to die for Orsino. When revealing her identity, she feels the need to prove it by changing clothes. Why does she feel the need to prove herself like this?
Character development contin. Toby- He makes an odd comment about how he "hates a drunken rouge", and drinking has become far less prominent in his character. It seems that when he said he could marry Maria for another good prank, he meant it literally. Fabien- With Toby not willing to and Maria not there, Fabien has to be the one to admit what all of them were up to. He seemed to want to continue the prank by taking Malvolio's letter, but is honest once he gets a hold of it. Feste- Doesn't do much out of the norm. Admits his guilt and also his motive; he wanted to prove to Malvolio that he could think for himself. Malvolio- Seems utterly disenchanted with Olivia, all he had was bitterness for his treatment and hatred for his tormentors. (With good reason). The prank failed, his attitude towards himself doesn't seem changed.
The loose ends- Characters Antonio- His misunderstanding with the twins is cleared up, but Sebastian doesn't seem to know what happened to him, and his legal situation seems unchanged. Why do you think he is still unable to get his money or freedom back? Sir Andrew- Still seems to believe that Toby's friendship is sincere, cares for his well being. Nothing said about how he's going broke courting Olivia. Why are these issues unresolved? Why does he continue to keep such a dishonest friend who purposely gives him bad advice, and why will he still suffer the consequences of trusting him?
Sir Andrew.
Sir Toby.
Class Activity Part 2 We added a special characteristic to each character to help show who they were, If you were to decorate one of the characters in this scene different from how we decorated them, who would you pick and how would you decorate them?