Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI)


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Presentation transcript:

Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI) 1 Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI) Thematic Programme “Non State Actors and Local Authorities in Development” Presentation of 2012 Annual Action Programme

2012 Annual Action Programme: overview NSA-LA AAP 2012 Budget Line 21.03.01 NSA Budget Line 21.03.02 LA Total Objective 1 - Actions aimed at promoting an inclusive and empowered society in partner countries Objective 1a: In-country operations in targeted partner countries - (Action Fiche 1&3) 143.262.500 25.025.000 168.287.500 Objective 1b: Multi- regional/multi-country operations in partner countries - (Action Fiche 1&3) 16.828.000 2.673.000 19.501.000 Objective 1 - Targeted projects (Action Fiche 5) 4.987.500 Objective 2 - Actions aimed at raising public awareness of development issues and promote education for development in the EU and acceding countries - (Action Fiche 2&4) 26.885.000 4.558.000 31.443.000 Objective 3 - Actions aimed at achieving more efficient cooperation, foster synergies and facilitate a structured dialogue between civil society networks and local authorities associations from the EU and acceding countries Objective 2 and 3 - Targeted projects - (Action Fiche 6) 2.100.000 Accompanying measures (Action Fiche 7) 5.273.861 302.121 5.575.981 199.336.861 32.558.121 231.894.981 Objective 3: In 2012 there will be no allocation for actions under objective 3, in order to increase the available amounts and be able to launch more strategic actions in 2013.

Objective 1 – In-country interventions (Action fiches 1&3) Targeted countries: 88 NSA and 41 LA Allocations per region in line with the 2011-2013 Multiannual Strategy Aid modality to be used: Calls for proposals launched at local level Complementarity to geographic programmes Country priorities: Established by EUD in accordance with local needs, in terms of actors (type and origin), priorities, themes, sectors and geographical areas. Focus on local actors in order to better strengthening their capacity. All actions must include an element of capacity building of local actors. Objective 1: 88 countries NSA (87 for CfP and 1 for direct award of grants): one country (Bangladesh) used all their allocation for a direct award (fiche 5)

Objective 1 – In-country interventions (Action fiche 5) Only 5 because it is the first year and there were only these 2 alternative modalities available Bottom-up approach, speedy further finalisation SD, based upon particular knowledge of EUD & monopoly situations Objective 1 – In-country interventions (Action fiche 5) Further to Structured Dialogue, new aid modalities… 4 direct awards of grants in monopoly situation - Bangladesh (3.850.000 Euros) to NGO Forum for Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation. - Morocco (300.000 Euros) to Collectif pour la Promotion des droits des Personnes en Situation de Handicap - Senegal (300.000 Euros) to Civil Forum of Senegal - Tonga (237.500 Euros) to Civil Society Forum of Tonga 1 joint management agreement with an International Organisation: - Chile (300.000 Euros) to the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women)

Objective 1 – Multi-country interventions (Action fiches 1&3) 5 Full text of the AAP: Priority will be given to: (1) Institutional capacity building of regional, continental or global NSA networks[1]. (2) Empowerment of regional, continental or global NSA networks to participate effectively in dialogues with international organizations (both with regional and global scope) and other relevant stakeholders (e.g. governmental authorities, private sector) in order for them to have a significant impact on policy-making processes. Actions should result in an enabling environment for NSA networks and in a more effective representation of the causes promoted by their members in dialogues with institutional interlocutors and other stakeholders. (3) Actions led at regional, continental and global level by relevant NSA networks, tackling problems common to more than one region (e.g. desertification, migration, water management, HIV/AIDS). [1] A representative platform organised at the regional, continental or global level has to be understood as a network/coalition or a confederation of civil society organisations. Call for proposals launched 01/11/2011 Objective 1 – Multi-country interventions (Action fiches 1&3) MTR and SD => + added value and + focus to objective 1b. Priorities: (1) Institutional capacity building of regional, continental or global NSA networks. (2) Empowerment of regional, continental or global NSA networks to participate effectively in development process. (3) Actions led at regional, continental and global level by relevant NSA networks, tackling problems common to more than one region.

Objective 2 – Development Education and Awareness Raising (Action fiche 2&4) DEAR study & SD dialogue: Basis to re-focus our interventions Two approaches: Global Learning: within or outside formal education system improvement of knowledge & competence Campaigning / Advocacy: citizen engagement, advocacy Innovations: Complementarity in formal education European dimension Workshops: procedures, networking, capitalisation Call for proposals launched 01/10/2011

2 direct awards of grants: 7 Objective 2/3 – Development Education and Awareness Raising and Cooperation, synergies and Structured Dialogue (Action fiche 6) 1 operating grant: CONCORD (700.000 Euros) 2 direct awards of grants: Cypriot EU Presidency Project 2012 (250.000 Euros) Irish EU Presidency Project 2013 (250.000 Euros) 1 joint management agreement with an International Organisation: North South Centre of the Council of Europe (900.000)

Accompanying measures (Action fiche 7) To support actions directly necessary for the implementation of the programme and the achievement of its objectives such as: Structured Dialogue Kick-off meetings and annual conferences (objectives 1b & 2) Other initiatives

Global call for proposals - planning NSA GLOBAL CALLS FOR PROPOSALS - ONGOING CALLS (LAST UPDATE03/02/2012) Publication date Thematic program me Call Title Call refere nce Eligible participants Procedur e Concept Note submissio n deadline Full Application submission deadline Total Budget available Budget years Appli cant Partner s 01/07/2011 NSA-LA Objective 3 Coordination, cooperation and networking activities 131142 NSA NSA&L A Restricte d 15/09/2011 end of Feb 2012 3,174,500 EUR 2011 01/10/2011 NSA-LA Objective 2 Development Education 131141 21/11/2011 April 2012 55,100,000 EUR 2011- 2012 01/11/2011 NSA-LA Objective 1b Action in partner countries (Multi- country interventions) for NSA 131140 01/02/2012 30/05/2012 32,300,000 EUR 03/11/2011 NSA-LA Objective 1 and 2 Local Authorities in Development 131143 LA 17/02/2012 June 2012 16,200,000 EUR

Local call for proposals - planning A 3-year planning (2011-2013) of local calls for proposals is published in the NSA-LA page of the DEVCO Website: _calls_for_proposals_forecast_-_objective_1_in-country_en.pdf

Local calls for proposals currently open