The Rise of Christianity
Early Empire Includes Diverse Religions Polytheism Stoicism=Cicero Cult of Isis=started in Egypt, women equal to men Cult of Mithras=Persian, good over evil, life after death, military following
Roman Government allowed other religions as long as citizens showed loyalty by honoring the Roman gods, paying taxes, and not rebelling.
Jews Come Under Roman Rule Roman power spread to Judea (Palestine) around 63 B.C.E. Jerusalem “Romanized”, King Herod Jews began to revolt
Judea was made a Roman province in A.D. 6 Sanhedrin, Jewish court, had control Two factions of Jews: one wanted to rid homeland of Romans, other believed God would send a Messiah to save them (Essenes)
Jesus Born in Bethlehem, Judea around 4 B.C.E. Jew and Roman subject Raised in Nazareth Carpenter Jesus
Jesus’ Message: Began ministry at 30 Did good works, reportedly performed miracles Continued traditional Jewish beliefs
Love God, your neighbors, and your enemies Emphasized God’s personal relationship to each human being Love God, your neighbors, and your enemies Repent of your sins and go to Heaven
Jesus had pupils or followers that were his disciples Jesus had pupils or followers that were his disciples. Not much is written in historical records about Jesus.
Most information about him comes from the Gospels (Good News) and epistles written by apostles found in the Holy Bible.
Jesus’ Death: His popularity grew which upset Jewish and Roman leaders Jewish priests said he was a blasphemer, not a messiah Roman leaders thought he challenged Roman authority, “kingdom of God is at hand”
Jesus was arrested and sentenced to death by crucifixion by Pontius Pilate, the Governor of Judea, for plotting to overthrow the Roman government.
After Jesus’ death his body was placed in a tomb After Jesus’ death his body was placed in a tomb. According to the Gospels, three days later his body was gone, and a living Jesus began appearing to his followers. Then Jesus ascended into heaven. Jesus came to be known as Christ, from Christos the Greek word for “messiah” or “savior”.
Christianity Spreads: First followers were Jews, then non-Jewish peoples converted Paul of Tarsus, traveled and wrote to churches (epistles) Common languages in Empire, also roads helped it spread Universal, accepted everyone
Jewish Rebellion (Jewish War): A.D. 66, Zealots rebelled against Rome A.D. 70, Romans destroyed the Temple of Jerusalem, except West Wall A.D. 132, another rebellion The Jewish political state ceased to exist until 1948. Diaspora or dispersal from homeland
Persecution of the Christians: Christians refused to worship Roman gods or emperor Peter and Paul put to death around A.D. 60 Many Christians became martyrs Numbers kept rising, missionaries spread the faith
Christianity, A World Religion: Embraced all people (male/female, rich/poor) Gave hope to the powerless Offered a personal relationship with a loving God Eternal life after death
Structure: priests at local level, bishop over several churches, bishop of Rome was the Pope Peter: first bishop of Rome, the “rock”, first Pope or head of Christian Church
The conversion of Emperor Constantine made it legal to be Christian through the Edict of Milan in 313 C.E. 325 C.E., disputes over beliefs led to the Nicene Creed 380 C.E., Emperor Theodosius made it the official religion of the Empire