Learning Meeting for Parents Monday 11th September 2017
Welcome to Year 2 Mrs Goff Mrs Allen
Learning Challenge Curriculum
Statutory Tests The following assessments are statutory at the moment, but under review: The existing progress check for two-year-olds The year 1 phonics check and year 2 if standard not met in year 1 Teacher assessment at the end of KS1 also a formal test for mathematics, reading and a spelling and grammar test KS2 national tests in mathematics, reading, and grammar, punctuation and spelling; and a teacher assessment of maths, reading, writing and science KS1 and KS2 tests will be based on a scaled score with the average being 100
Greater Depth Extra Maths Groups
For those children not on the RWI programme, they will be accessing the Accelerated reading programme. Initial assessment provides a reading range. They will then be able to select a reading book appropriate to their ability. Once the book is read they will be tested on the comprehension of the book. In their quizzes they need to score at least 100% on at least 3 consecutive occasions to move on.
The children are given a target in their HSCB at the start of each half term. The points are earned by taking a test at the end of each book. If your child gets 100% right they will earn full points for that book. Points are shown on a sticker in the front of the book. Most books at the moment are worth 0.5 points. So if your child’s target is 3, they would need to score 100% once a week for the next 6 weeks to reach target. Your child will have the opportunity to test twice a week, but should only test when they know the book really well!
Supporting reading at home To support your child’s reading at home ensure that you log in the home school book that they have read. To deepen your child’s understanding of the text it is important to ask them key questions- examples can be found in the front of their home school book. We will check the reading log weekly. If they have read 5 times they will earn a stamp.
PE Taught by teacher and PE specialist Mondays and Wednesdays Please make sure your child has their PE kit (black shorts, white t shirts and pumps) in school. Remove earrings on P.E. days or provide tape
Home Work Reading- 15 minutes minimum daily Spellings: Look, cover, write, check task to be completed daily at home for best test results on Thursday. 1 stamp for 8, 9 or 10. Maths Home work is given out on a Friday, to be returned on the following Thursday-this allows time for it to be marked. (children will be reminded on Thursday morning). 1 stamp for completed homework.
HSCB Please ensure you sign when your child reads The HSCB is checked and stamps given each Friday for: Homework Reading 5x weekly- we count from Friday to Thursday, and tick each day Getting 100% in Accelerated Reader test Achieving Accelerated Reader target 8, 9, 10 in spelling test P* for excellent presentation Achieving Star status during the day We are unable to check books every day, so please give urgent messages at the door in the morning or speak to one of us after school.
Website and Twitter Please continue to visit the website for up to date information on class activities We also have a Twitter account if you are not already following please do our handle is @eastlandsschool Please ensure you have read and signed the acceptable use policy at the front of the HSCB
Any concerns? Please come and talk to me so that we can work together to sort it out.