Accelerated Reader
The Evaluand
Literary Support Read, Lead,…Succeed!
Guiding Questions 1) Is the program effective in motivating students to read? 2) What program factors contribute to the reading motivation, or lack thereof, of the students? 3) How is the program being implemented within SCPS?
Methods Focus Groups Surveys Interviews
Results directed survey question development Data Collection Qualitative Literature Review, Staff and Student Focus Groups, Client Interview, Librarian Interview, Director of Personnel Interview Results directed survey question development Quantitative Student Survey (Mix Methods) Results coincided with identified themes. Student specific perceptions of themes identified. Sequential Exploratory Data Collection Design
AR Motivation Data
Findings What does motivate students.
Findings Time
Findings Implementation
Recommendations Consistent practices implemented at all grade levels. Make time allotment a priority within the classroom for students to read.
Further Exploration Process Evaluation Elementary Evaluation