DRILL: What are some things you have see on TV about the field of forensics?
Overview Define CODIS Define Case Backlogs Show Data Explain My Research
What is CODIS? CODIS is the generic term describing criminal justice DNA databases CODIS generates investigative leads in cases where biological evidence is recovered from the crime scene. CODIS has 3 types of Databases LDIS, SDIS, and finally the NDIS. LDIS to SDIS to NDIS When a criminal’s profile reaches the national level that’s when the criminal is seen as a most wanted.
CODIS Extended CODIS began as a pilot software project in 1990 serving 14 state and local laboratories. Today, over 170 public law enforcement laboratories participate in NDIS across the United States. More than 40 law enforcement laboratories in over 25 countries use the CODIS software.
The Laboratories and The Scientists DNA analysts work in forensic or health-care settings. responsibilities involve recovering and identifying DNA samples. There are about 1-3 forensic scientists per laboratories in each state. The Grand total of funding for labs in the US in 2014 was $72,000,000.
What is a Case Backlog? no forensics definition of a backlog. Some laboratories consider a case backlogged if the DNA has not been analyzed after 90 days,. There are two types: (1) casework backlogs and (2) convicted offender and arrestee DNA backlogs.
Convicted Offender and Arrestee DNA Backlogs: DNA samples are taken from convicted offenders and arrestees pursuant to federal and state laws. It is significantly easier and faster to analyze these samples than casework samples because they are collected on identical media. Casework Backlogs/Files: Forensic evidence is collected from crime scenes, victims and suspects in criminal cases and then submitted to a laboratory.
Case Backlogs CODIS has solved so many cases and is a huge help. 2005: 100,000 cases that needed to be processed 50,000 were completed but 25,000 of those 100,000 were case backlogs. 2009: the amount of completed and processed increased as did the case backlogs increase also. These case backlogs show that cases were not looked at well enough the first time.
Survey Report Was issued in 2010 showed that the FBI needed to improve its oversight of CODIS-participating laboratories ensured the laboratories were in compliance with applicable legislation.
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Key Points of Topic Labs get funding. More Improvements still need to be made. Money can help improve Labs and the DNA Databases. More staffing can be attained from using the money. Fewer cases completed Due to their being less staffing. Codis can be used at so many different levels and improve.
Conclusion Not everything you see on Tv is real. Cases take more time. More money and staffing is needed.