Campus Climate Survey – Northbrook Elementary School Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD January 27 - February 7, 2014
Purpose and Content The purpose of this Campus Climate Survey is to engage teachers, parents and students in a conversation about the climate at their campus in Eagle Mountain-Saginaw Independent School District. The survey asked participants about their perspectives on six dimensions of school climate: Academic Preparation Student Support School Leadership Parent Engagement Safety and Behavior School Operations To help assist campus administrators identify areas of strength and need, campus-level results in the following report compare SY 2012-13 to SY 2013-14.
Technical Notes The survey was open January 27 through February 7, 2014. Teachers were invited to participate by way of email notification. Parents were sent email invitations containing a unique access link. After completing the survey, parents were given the opportunity to take the survey for another EM-S ISD school in which they have a child enrolled. All questions were voluntary, except for the demographic items, such as “Please select your child’s school.” Answer response options for most questions were Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Agree, Strongly Agree and Don’t Know. Data labels of 5% or less are not shown in charts and graphs. Findings for groups with fewer than 10 participants are not reported. This is a “census” survey administration. Therefore, results reflect the views of just those who chose to participate in the survey and do not necessarily represent the views of non-respondents.
Participation Rate Teachers Parents Responding Group Total Number of Responses (N) Number of Invitations (Nmax) Response Rate (%) 2014 2013 Teachers 23 30 45 46 51% 65% Parents 41 33 -
Main Findings
Range of Positive Responses by Dimension SY 2012-13 SY 2013-14 Teachers Highest 86% School Leadership 88% School Operations Lowest 72% Safety and Behavior 69% Parents 92% Parent Engagement 65% 57% Note: Percentages show combined results for Strongly Agree and Agree answer options.
Overall Perception of Education Quality
Academic Preparation
Student Support
School Leadership
Parent Engagement
Safety and Behavior
School Operations