LHC@FNAL Operations Model Thursday, October 20, 2005 October 13, 2005 Jean Slaughter
What is the Operations Model? The model defines how LHC@FNAL will be used at each stage in the LHC’s history The purpose is to guide design decisions The model is based on assumptions and will evolve with experience October 13, 2005 LHC@FNAL meeting Jean Slaughter
Elements of the Model Stage in the LHC’s development Who Activities Time periods Location Tools October 13, 2005 LHC@FNAL meeting Jean Slaughter
Details - I Stages Who Hardware commissioning Beam commissioning Machine development Physics running Who Users at FNAL, CERN, other institutions FNAL@LHC support people at FNAL, CERN, other institutions October 13, 2005 LHC@FNAL meeting Jean Slaughter
Details -II Activities - examples consulting on hardware installation in tunnel running application to extract data – not real time Example analyzing process control data for IR magnets running application in real time following along on a shift for training or informational purposes participating in a shift for machine development reasons debugging instrumentation and their applications accessing CERN documentation, CVS, elogs developing and testing an application October 13, 2005 LHC@FNAL meeting Jean Slaughter
Details - III Time Periods Location Regularly scheduled shift Scheduled as part of a shift Random times Location LHC@FNAL Office – not CERN CCC Office at CERN Field control room, tunnel, service building October 13, 2005 LHC@FNAL meeting Jean Slaughter
Details - IV Tools Gateway s Campus network Technical network Methods Terminal services Cern.ch node CVS read/write access Webcam Communications tools Audio connection Visual connection WebX Web browser Email Instant messenger type program October 13, 2005 LHC@FNAL meeting Jean Slaughter
All Stages What How Who When Where Access to internal CERN information Gateways Communications tools All users and support people Random times and shifts LHC@FNAL Offices Developing an application Gateways C/T Communication tools FNAL user Random times Office Testing an application gateways C/T random times and shifts October 13, 2005 LHC@FNAL meeting Jean Slaughter
Hardware Commissioning Sub-stage What How Who When Where Connect 1st IR prepare for 1st sector cool down. run app to get data consult on problems Webcam Com tools C/T gateways Users-FNAL Random times office or LHC@FNAL depends on convenience Hardware commissioning of sector 7/8. cool down and power test. consul on problems follow a shift? Gateways office or LHC@FNAL convenience factors. Shift or larger groups at LHC@FNAL Pre-beam monitoring of cold sectors Same as line above Repeat with other sectors October 13, 2005 LHC@FNAL meeting Jean Slaughter
Beam Commissioning What How Who When Where Following a shift for training or monitoring Com tools Gateways C/T Person at FNAL Shift period LHC@FNAL October 13, 2005 LHC@FNAL meeting Jean Slaughter