Epic/Narrative Poetry The Odyssey
20. Narrative Poetry A poem that tells a story. (Like a ballad or Epic) Example: “The Raven”, “Casey at the Bat” http://ops.tamu.edu/x075bb/poems/casey.html
21. Epic Poetry (A type of Narrative Poetry) A long narrative poem that tells the story of a great Hero or Heroine and their adventures. Example: The Iliad, The Odyssey
22. Hero (Heroine) The Protagonist (Main Character) in an Epic Poem or story. A Hero is a person with skills and abilities that are greater than the average person. A Hero usually goes through some great test or adventure and proves their self to be stronger, braver, or smarter than others. Example: Odysseus, Hercules, Xena, Iron Man
23. Tragic Hero The Hero/Heroine of a Tragedy or Epic. A Tragic Hero, because of their own fault or weakness (a tragic flaw), goes through a great deal of suffering, but eventually learns from their mistakes. Example: Odysseus is a Tragic Hero
24. Archetype The Ideal Example of a certain type of character or person. Example: The Warrior, the Fool, the Innocent, the Orphan, the Destroyer, the Bully, etc…