2016 Development Regulations Update Pierce County Council Community Development Committee Meeting March 7, 2016
Comprehensive Plan Amendment C-6 FRETOC, LLC Amendment C-6 adopted as part of Ord. 2015 -40, Comprehensive Plan Update Adopted Frederickson Community Plan policies allowing larger buildings provided there is a: Development Agreement Mitigation of impacts 176th Avenue and Canyon Road Zoning: Use Table - add note allowing for buildings up to 170,000 sq. ft. within the ES zone subject to the amended Community Plan policy requirements.
Comprehensive Plan Amendment C-6 FRETOC, LLC
Comprehensive Plan Amendment C-6 FRETOC, LLC (2) “Buildings or tenants between 75,000 and 170,000 square feet may be authorized in the Central Place subject to standards and limitations described in Frederickson Community Plan Policies 6.1.3, 6.1.4, 7.1, 7.2.1., and”
Comprehensive Plan Amendment C-7 Purdy Interchange. LLC Adds the Mixed Use District (MUD) zone and associated uses to the Gig Harbor Community Plan zoning Adds Gig Harbor MUD Density of 6-20 units per acre No single commercial building shall be greater than 65,000 square feet
Residential Density Current code does not maximize residential densities when more than 300 feet from a sewer hookup. Results in urban areas not achieving GMA urban densities.
Short Plat Comparison: 2 Acre Lot in MSF Current Regulations Proposed Change Future Platting at Urban Density when Sewer becomes Available Lot 1 0.6 Acre Lot 2 0.6 Acre Lot 3 0.6 Acre Future Lot 7 Future Lot 8 Future Lot 6 Future Lot 9 290 ft Community Drainfield (Temporary/Future Lot 10) Future Lot 5 Lot 1 7200 sf Lot 2 7200 sf Lot 3 7200 sf 120 ft Future Lot 4 100 ft 100 ft 100 ft 60 ft 60 ft 60 ft No Sewer = 3 Lots Individual Drainfields Sewer = 10 Lots (Net Density) Temporary Community Drainfield
Development Agreements There is a need to distinguish between: Development Agreements within Chapter 18A.100, and Project Development Agreements associated with Planned Unit Developments in Section 18A.75.080. Section 18A.75.080 – Change “Project Development Agreement” to “Project Master Plan”
Home Occupation
Other Comp. Plan Amendments Comprehensive Plan Amendment C-2 – HMC Management Comprehensive Plan Amendment C-4 – American Concrete Amendment M-3 - Schactler
Other Amendments to the Development Regulations
Additional Update Overview Clarify who is a “Professional Forester” Clarify what is a “Kennel or Cattery” in order to be consistent with the Auditor’s office Clarify “Minimum Lot Size” for rural areas Clarify setbacks for animals (principle & accessory)
Additional Update Overview Update “Pierce County (Outside of Community Plan Areas) use table – add CE Permit “Mobile, Manufactured & Modular Home Sales” in Mixed Use Districts Allow smaller properties in “Storage and Moving” in South Hill Community Center zone Create new chapter for Accessory Development - Residential
Additional Update Overview Clarify what is “Employee Housing” (primary & accessory) Clarify requirements for “Tree Conservation Plans” Update LID design requirements to match new Stormwater Manual Clarify South Hill Storage Use setbacks