Salary Increases FY18 and What’s New? Salary Increases FY18 and Salary Planner
Salary Increases FY18 Review of Timeline What’s New for SI18 AGENDA Review of Timeline What’s New for SI18 Salary Planner Refresher Reminders Q&A
Salary Increase Process Timeline October 1- November 7: Faculty Determine merit increases in accordance with unit policies based on review(s) including performance since at least the last merit review (Fall 2016). OAs Departments and schools/colleges forward written criteria to their vice president or senior vice president regarding criteria to be used to evaluate merit. Due by October 31. Determine merit increases based on review of performance since last merit review. October 10 – 25: By October 13, HR provides units with list of ineligible OAs for review. Units review list of OAs to determine if an exception request is needed. Exception requests due to HR by October 25th. October 30 – November 7: Salary increase information (employees and pool) made available to departments for review. Departments submit documentation for corrections to banner by November 7.
SI18 Process Timeline Cont. November 10–22: Departments input merit increase proposals November 23- December 3: Dean review and approval (for academic units) December 4–10: Vice President / Senior Vice Provost review and approval December 11–17: HR reviews file and notifies units of approval. HR provides units with a list to use for employee communications. December 18-20: Following approval notification, units prepare and send communication of new pay rates to faculty and OAs receiving increases. See Salary Planner Instructions website for the notification templates. HR prepares and sends file to payroll. December 21-January: Payroll / IS upload new rates starting on December 21. End of January paycheck: includes merit increase.
SI January 2018 Merit and Across the Board Increase Salary increases for eligible faculty and OAs this year include an ATB of 0.75% and a 2.25% merit pool. For the ATB, Human Resources will be verifying that a minimum 0.75% is applied to all eligible employees in Salary Planner. You will see this 0.75% pre-applied to your employee lists. PIs who elect to be excluded are exempt from the ATB. Please make a note in the comment section in Salary Planner. Three Groups Eligible for Merit/ATB are Processed in Salary Planner Officers of Administration, Career NTTF, and Tenure-Track Faculty ( Up to three Salary Planner Extracts to manage. Up to three final printed spreadsheet submissions for VP approval.
SI January 2018 Continued October 30-November 7th SI Review Period– *IMPORTANT* Pull down list of employees and verify information (employees and pool) is accurate. Note VPs and Deans have been moved to higher budget orgs. Please review your lists for accuracy. Most importantly, identify missing individuals or incorrect FTE/Base Rate. Submit any corrections or changes to Merit/Across the Board Exceptions Not all employees are eligible for merit/across the board. For exception requests for OAs over the maximum of the salary band after the merit or any employee over a 10% pay increase, see the SI Website for the exception form. Please submit completed forms to HR by November 22nd.
SI January 2018 Continued Across the Board Only The ATB for non-career NTTF faculty will be managed by Human Resources and processed in January. All non-career NTTF faculty renewals in winter, spring, fall 2018 will receive the 0.75% ATB to the base rate. Up to 4 notification letter templates to manage Will need to be sent to all employees who are receiving a pay increase on January 1st. Templates will be posted on the website by the end of November. Like last year, HR will send an email to the Deans/VPs when salary increases are approved with instructions on when to send the letters.
Salary Planner Refresher Go to the SI Website for links to this presentation and Salary Planner Instructions. Problems with or questions about salary planner? Contact Renee Turner or After completing data entry in Salary Planner, submit a final signed Salary change Report to The signature will come from the Dean/VP level (VP Level for non-schools and colleges).
Reminders Faculty Faculty in full time administrative positions will receive the 2.25 merit and 0.75 ATB on their faculty position, and the base rate change will be managed centrally by Human Resources. Faculty: For eligibility and pool instructions see the SI Website. Principal Investigators (PIs) may petition the provost to forgo or delay the increase. Please use the comment function in Salary Planner and enter a 0% increase for approved exclusions. Faculty on sabbatical or prestigious faculty awards. Manually adjust the base rate on your downloaded lists and use the 1.0 salary in the pool. Notify HR of any prestigious faculty awards and include a comment on the list.
Reminders continued Pending Position and Pay Actions Proceed with merit/ATB calculation using current job and base rate as shown in Salary Planner. Contact regarding each individual case. If position is approved and the new position and pay for an OA is effective 11/10 or sooner, you can use the new rate in your pool All eligible employees should be considered for merit/ATB.
Q&A Problems with Salary Planner Renee Turner x 6-9855 or Questions After Today HR Operations Team Member (Sonia, Grant, Randi) or