Regional Testing Information 2017-2018 School Year
WHAT TYPES OF EVENTS ARE OFFERED? INDIVIDUAL EVENTS: an event in which a single student participates and competes in (Yellow Slide) TEAM EVENTS: an event in which a team of 2- 3 people (possibly more depending on the event) can compete collaboratively or individually. ( PURPLE SLIDE) RECOGNITION/ CHAPTER EVENTS: * on Both Slides
Name First/ Last, email, grade Example Accounting I Type: Individual Competencies: Journalizing; Account Classification; Terminology, Concepts, and Practices; Types of Ownership; Posting; Income Statement; Balance Sheet; Worksheet; Bank Reconciliation; Payroll; Depreciation; Manual and Computerized Systems; Ethics On the line include… Name First/ Last, email, grade Example Sam Botnick,, grade 12 _______________________________________ ( 3 Per chapter)
Write Team Name and complete the form underneath Accounting I Type: Team Competencies: Journalizing; Account Classification; Terminology, Concepts, and Practices; Types of Ownership; Posting; Income Statement; Balance Sheet; Worksheet; Bank Reconciliation; Payroll; Depreciation; Manual and Computerized Systems; Ethics On the line include… Write Team Name and complete the form underneath
For these events no teams are aloud, only individuals Individual Events For these events no teams are aloud, only individuals Health Care Administration Help Desk Insurance and Risk Management Introduction to Business (9 /10 only) Introduction to Business Communication (9/ 10 only) Introduction to Business Procedures (9/ 10 only) Introduction to FBLA (9/ 10 only) Introduction to Financial Math (9 / 10 only) Introduction to Information Technology (9/ 10 only) Accounting 1 Accounting 2 Advertising Agribusiness Business Calculations Business Communication Business Law Computer Problem Solving Cyber Security Economics Introduction to Parliamentary Procedure (9/ 10 only) Journalism Networking Concepts Organizational Leadership Personal Finance Securities & Investments
One individual or One team of 2-3 Team events One individual or One team of 2-3 Banking and Financial Systems Entrepreneurship Global Business Hospitality Management Management Decision Making Management Information Systems Marketing Network Design Parliamentary Procedure Sports and Entertainment Management
Must be received by the Executive Directors Office State Only Events Must be received by the Executive Directors Office NO LATER THAN DECEMBER 6TH BY 11:59 PM if a student enters one of these events, he/ she can not compete in the regional competition! 3 D Animation * American Enterprise Project Broadcast Journalism Business Financial Plan Business Plan * Community Service Project Coding and Programming Computer Game and Simulation Programing Digital Video Production E- Business Electronic Career Portfolio Intro to Business Presentation (9-10) Mobile Application Development * Partnership with Business Project Public Service Announcement Sales Presentation Social Media Campaign Website Design * = Chapter ONLY Events
Event Descriptions
3 D Animation (INDIVIDUAL or teams of 2-3 students) ONLY 2 ENTRIES CAN BE SUBMITTED: 2 In this event, animation will be used to create a standalone video product. The event consists of a 3D animated video presented at the State Leadership Conference. The overview of design and development efforts will be presented to a panel of judges. The video should be no more than three minutes, and copyright issues should be addressed in the credits of the film. REGIONAL ONLY COMPETITION!
(INDIVIDUAL 3 students from South can compete in this event.) Accounting I (INDIVIDUAL 3 students from South can compete in this event.) The accurate keeping of financial records is an ongoing activity in all types of businesses. This event provides recognition for FBLA members who have an understanding of and skill in basic accounting principles and procedures. A one-hour online objective test will be administered at the region and state levels.
(INDIVIDUAL 3 students from South can compete in this event.) Accounting II (INDIVIDUAL 3 students from South can compete in this event.) The accurate keeping of financial records is a vital ongoing activity in all types of businesses. This event provides recognition for FBLA members who demonstrate an understanding of and skill in accounting principles and procedures as applied to sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations. A one-hour online objective test will be administered at the region and state levels. There is no school-site portion to this event; there is only an objective test.
(INDIVIDUAL 3 students from South can compete in this event.) Advertising (INDIVIDUAL 3 students from South can compete in this event.) This event recognizes FBLA members who demonstrate an understanding of and skill in advertising and public relations.
(INDIVIDUAL 3 students from South can compete in this event.) Agribusiness (INDIVIDUAL 3 students from South can compete in this event.) This event recognizes FBLA members who demonstrate an understanding of and skill in business agribusiness concepts and procedures. A one-hour online objective test will be administered at the region and state levels.
Banking and Financial Systems (1TEAM 1-3 People) Understanding how financial institutions and financial consulting and advisory services operate is important to successful business ownership and management, as well as to personal financial success. This event provides recognition for FBLA members who have an understanding of and skills in the general operations of the various components of the financial services sector. At the region conference, a collaborative one-hour objective test will be administered. At the state conference, a collaborative one-hour objective test will be administered, and the top 10 teams will participate in an oral presentation.
(Individual or Team of 2/3) 2 Entries May be Submitted Broadcast Journalism (Individual or Team of 2/3) 2 Entries May be Submitted Description coming soon.
Business Calculations (INDIVIDUAL 3 students from South can compete in this event.) Acquiring a high level of mathematics skill to solve business problems is a challenge for all prospective business employees. This event provides recognition for FBLA members who have an understanding of mathematical functions in business applications. A one-hour online objective test will be administered at the region and state levels.
Business Communication (INDIVIDUAL 3 students from South can compete in this event.) Learning to communicate in a manner that is clearly understood by the receiver of the message is a major task of all businesspeople. This event provides recognition for FBLA members who work toward improving their business communication skills of writing, speaking, and listening. A one-hour objective test will be administered at the region and state levels.
Business Ethics Ethical decisions are essential in the business world and the workplace. This team event recognizes FBLA members who demonstrate the ability to present solutions to ethical situations encountered in the business world and the workplace. At the region level, each team will be given an opportunity to present a 7-minute response to the ethical dilemma. At the state level, all participating teams will be divided as equally as possible into three groups in a preliminary round to present a 7-minute response to the ethical dilemma, and an equal number from each group will advance to a final round. No objective tests will be administered in this event.
Business Financial Plan (Individual or Team of 2/3) 2 Entries May be Submitted Business financial planning is paramount to the success of any business enterprise. This event is designed to recognize FBLA members who possess the knowledge and skills needed to establish and develop a complete financial plan for a business venture. The financial plan requesting a loan from a financial institution must be economically and financially sound with a realistic time frame. In addition to learning and applying financial business decision-making skills, team participants develop business contacts, implement written and oral skills, and develop familiarity with procedures of financial institutions. The student(s) will complete the plan based on the posted topic on the PA FBLA web site.
(INDIVIDUAL 3 students from South can compete in this event.) Business Law (INDIVIDUAL 3 students from South can compete in this event.) This event provides recognition for FBLA members who are familiar with specific legal areas that most commonly affect personal and business relationships. A one-hour online objective test will be administered at the region and state levels
(Individual or Team of 2/3) Business Plan (Individual or Team of 2/3) 2 Entries May be Submitted Business plans are an effective tool for evaluating, organizing, and selling a new business concept. A well-developed business plan can be a key component of a successful business start-up. This event recognizes FBLA members that demonstrate an understanding and mastery of the process required to develop and implement a new business venture.
Client Service This event provides members with an opportunity to develop and demonstration skills in interacting with internal and external clients to provide an outstanding client service experience. The client service consultant engages clients in conversations regarding products, handles inquiries, solves problems, and uncovers opportunities for additional assistance. Participants develop speaking ability and poise through presentation as well as critical thinking skills. At the region and state conference, the participants will participate in an interactive simulation.
Coding and Programming (2 Individuals NO TEAMS) 2 Entries May be Submitted Certain types of accounting processes require that each record in the file be processed. Desktop Application Programming focuses on these procedural style processing systems. This event tests the programmer's skill in designing a useful, efficient, and effective program in the area described. At the state level, students will complete a program to be judged prior to the state conference based on the posted topic, and the top 10 finalists will be scheduled for an oral presentation.
Computer Applications Knowledge of computer applications is a necessity in today's high-tech business world. Employees must be able to apply various computer applications in a business environment utilizing critical thinking and decision-making skills. This event provides recognition for FBLA members who can efficiently demonstrate computer application skills. At the region level, a two-hour school-site application test will be administered at the home school, and a one-hour online objective test will also be administered. At the state level, a two-hour school-site application test will be administered at the home school, and a one-hour online objective test will be administered at the conference.
Computer Game and Simulation Programming (Individual or Team of 2/3) 2 Entries May be Submitted Interactive computer games and simulations have achieved broad acceptance and implementation in a wide variety of business and educational disciplines. Buried within many of these programs is a message that advances a player's experience from simple entertainment to edutainment. This event tests the programmer's skill in designing a functional interactive simulation/game that will both entertain and educate/inform the player.
Computer Problem Solving (INDIVIDUAL 3 students from South can compete in this event.) Having a broad base of knowledge and competencies in core hardware and operating system technologies including installation, configuration, diagnostics, preventative maintenance, and basic networking is an important element for today's computer savvy individual. A one-hour online objective test will be administered at the region and state levels.
(INDIVIDUAL 3 students from South can compete in this event.) Cyber Security (INDIVIDUAL 3 students from South can compete in this event.) With the increased use of the Internet for browsing, researching, information gathering, and e-commerce, information and cyber security has become a growing concern for businesses throughout our global economy. A one-hour online objective test will be administered at the region and state levels.
Database Design and Applications Databases are necessary to organize data and information in business. This event recognizes FBLA members who demonstrate that they have acquired entry level skills for understanding database usage and development in business. At the region level, a one-hour school-site application test will be administered at the home school, and a one-hour online objective test will also be administered. At the state level, a one-hour school-site application test will be administered at the home school, and a one-hour online objective test will also be administered.
Digital Video Production (Individual or Team of 2/3) 2 Entries May be Submitted Digital video has become a prominent and effective way of conveying new ideas and products. This event provides recognition for FBLA members who demonstrate the ability to create an effective video to present an idea to a specific audience. The student(s) will complete the project based on the posted topic on the PA FBLA web site.
(Individual or Team of 2/3) 2 Entries May be Submitted E-Business (Individual or Team of 2/3) 2 Entries May be Submitted One critical element in a business' success in today's global market is the ability to sell products and services to the consumer via the Internet. This event recognizes FBLA members who have developed proficiency in the creation of Web commerce sites. The student(s) will complete the web site based on the posted topic on the PA FBLA web site.
(INDIVIDUAL 3 students from South can compete in this event.) Economics (INDIVIDUAL 3 students from South can compete in this event.) This event provides recognition for FBLA members who can identify, understand, and apply economic principles to contemporary social, political, and ecological problems. A one-hour objective test will be administered at the region and state levels.
Electronic Career Portfolio ( 2 Individuals NO TEAMS) 2 Entries May be Submitted An electronic career portfolio is a purposeful collection of work that tells the story of an applicant including achievements, growth, vision, reflection, skills, experience, education, training, and career goals. It is a tool that gives employers a complete picture of who you are--your experience, your education, your accomplishments--and what you have the potential to become--much more than just a letter of application and resume can provide.
Emerging Business Issues This event provides FBLA members with an opportunity to develop and demonstrate skills in researching and presenting an emerging business issue. The event is based on team rather than individual participation. In addition to learning research skills, team participants develop speaking ability and poise through oral presentations. At the region level, all teams will make an oral presentation. At the state level, all teams will be divided as equally as possible into three groups in a preliminary round, and the top four from each group will advance to a final round. The student(s) will prepare based on the posted topic on the PA FBLA web site.
Entrepreneurship (1 TEAM 1-3 People) Owning and managing a business is the goal of many Americans. This event recognizes FBLA members who demonstrate the knowledge and skills needed to establish and manage a business. This event is based on team rather than individual participation. In addition to learning and applying business decision-making skills, team participants develop speaking ability and poise through oral presentations. At the region conference, a collaborative one-hour objective test will be administered. At the state conference, a collaborative one-hour objective test will be administered, and the top 10 teams will participate in an oral presentation.
Future Business Leader This events honors outstanding FBLA members who have demonstrated leadership qualities, participation in FBLA, and evidence of knowledge and skills essential for successful careers in business. At the region level, a one-hour online objective test and an interview will be administered. At the state level, all participants will be administered a one-hour online objective test, and all participants will be scheduled for an interview in a preliminary round. The top 10 participants will be given an interview in a final round.
Global Business (1TEAM 1-3 People) The global economy is a complex, continually flowing and constantly changing network of information, goods, services, and cultures. Most nations rely on other nations for natural resources to supply their needs and wants. Global business also provides new markets and investment opportunities as well as promotion of better relationships. At the region level, a collaborative one-hour online objective test will be administered. At the state level, a collaborative one-hour online objective test will be administered, and the top 10 teams will participate in an oral presentation.
Graphic Design An essential part of today’s business world is the commercial design and promotion; therefore; the preparation of computer-based digital art is paramount to the production of quality copy used for promotional purposes.
Health Care Administration (1TEAM 1-3 People) (INDIVIDUAL 3 students from South can compete in this event.) Health care administrators manage the business side of health services, ensuring the effective use of resources to ensure the best medical care to the community These skills include managing office activities, enhancing communication skills, identifying legal and ethical issues in heath care practices, managing financial functions, and enhancing employability skills This event recognizes FBLA members who have the ability to help people in the health care field. A one-hour online objective test will be administered at the region and state levels.
(INDIVIDUAL 3 students from South can compete in this event.) Help Desk (INDIVIDUAL 3 students from South can compete in this event.) The ability to provide technical assistance to the users of computer hardware and software is essential to the success of any organization and its continued operation. This event provides recognition for FBLA members who demonstrate and understanding of and ability to provide technical assistance to end users. At the region conference, a one-hour online objective test will be administered. At the state conference, a one-hour online objective test will be administered, and the top 10 participants will participate in an interactive simulation.
Hospitality Management Hospitality is an important aspect of business and society. This event provides recognition to FBLA members who have the ability to help other people enjoy both leisure and business travel and events. A one-hour online objective test will be administered at the region and state levels.
Impromptu Speaking The ability to express one's thoughts without prior preparation is a valuable asset, as are poise, self-confidence, and organization of facts. This event recognizes FBLA members who develop qualities of business leadership by combining quick and clear thinking with conversational speaking. At the region level, each participant will be given an opportunity to present a 4-minute speech. At the state level, all participants will be divided as equally as possible into three groups in a preliminary round to present a 4-minute speech, and the top 4 from each group will advance to a final round.
Insurance and Risk Management (INDIVIDUAL 3 students from South can compete in this event.) This event provides recognition for FBLA members who demonstrate an understanding of and skill in basic insurance and risk management principles and procedures. A one-hour online objective test will be administered at the region and state levels.
Introduction to Business GRADES 9 AND 10 ONLY!!! (INDIVIDUAL 3 students from South can compete in this event.) Students discover the roles of business in the free enterprise system and the global economy. Student will learn basic financial concepts of banking, insurance, credit, investments, and learn to make sound decisions as consumers. In addition, FBLA members will learn the real-world impact of technology, effective communication, and interpersonal skills. A one-hour online objective test will be administered at the region and state levels.
Introduction to Business Communication GRADES 9 AND 10 ONLY!!! (INDIVIDUAL 3 students from South can compete in this event.) Learning to communicate in a manner that is clearly understood by the receiver of the message is a major task of all business people. This event provides recognition for FBLA members demonstrate an understanding of basic communication skills and concepts. A one-hour online objective test will be administered at the region and state levels.
Introduction to Business Presentation 2 Entries may be submitted GRADES 9 AND 10 ONLY!!! (INDIVIDUAL or team of 3 students from South can compete in this event.) 2 Entries may be submitted Using technology to support a presentation can significantly enhance a business leader's effectiveness. This event provides recognition for FBLA members who demonstrate the ability to effectively deliver an effective business presentation while using multimedia presentation technology. The student(s) will complete the project based on the posted topic on the PA FBLA web site.
Introduction to Business Procedures GRADES 9 AND 10 ONLY!!! (INDIVIDUAL 3 students from South can compete in this event.) Competency in performing daily tasks is a necessity in business. This event provides recognition for FBLA members who possess knowledge of basic skills and procedures and the ability to make intelligent business decisions. A one-hour online objective test will be administered at the region and state levels.
Introduction to FBLA GRADES 9 AND 10 ONLY!!! (INDIVIDUAL 3 students from South can compete in this event.) Members in FBLA should be knowledgeable about the Association and the information found in the official publications. This event provides recognition for FBLA members who are interested in learning about the background and current information of FBLA-PBL. A one-hour objective test will be administered at the region and state levels.
Introduction to Financial Math GRADES 9 AND 10 ONLY!!! (INDIVIDUAL 3 students from South can compete in this event.) Acquiring the ability to solve common business mathematical problems is a basic skill needed by all prospective business employees. This event provides recognition for FBLA members who have an understanding of basic math functions needed in business. A one-hour online objective test will be administered at the region and state levels.
Introduction to Information Technology GRADES 9 AND 10 ONLY!!! (INDIVIDUAL 3 students from South can compete in this event.) Successful business leaders must understand the impact of technology and how to effectively harness it to drive business. This event recognizes FBLA members who demonstrate acquired technology skills aligned with the Internet and Computing Core Certification (IC3) objectives. A one-hour online objective test will be administered at the region and state levels.
Introduction to Parliamentary Procedure GRADES 9 AND 10 ONLY!!! (INDIVIDUAL 3 students from South can compete in this event.) This event recognizes FBLA members who demonstrate knowledge of basic principles of parliamentary procedure along with an understanding of FBLA's organization and procedures. A one-hour online objective test will be administered at the region and state levels.
Introduction to Public Speaking This event recognizes FBLA members who are beginning to develop qualities of business leadership by developing effective speaking skills. At the region level, each participant will be given an opportunity to present a 4-minute speech. At the state level, all participants will be divided as equally as possible into three groups in a preliminary round to present a 4-minute speech, and the top four from each group will advance to a final round
Job Interview This event recognizes FBLA members who demonstrate proficiency in applying for employment in business. At the region level, each participant will be given an interview. At the state level, all participants will be divided as equally as possible into three groups in a preliminary round for interviews, and an equal number from each group will advance to a final round.
Journalism (INDIVIDUAL 3 students from South can compete in this event This event recognizes FBLA members who demonstrate an understanding of and skill in journalism concepts.
LifeSmarts The LifeSmarts Competition encourages FBLA members to learn about economics, personal finance, and consumer issues. FBLA LifeSmarts is sponsored by the LifeSmarts program of the National Consumes League, and the competition is modeled after the LifeSmarts consumer education competition available free of charge to schools across the country through LifeSmarts focuses on personal finance, consumer rights and responsibilities, technology, the environment, and health and safety. Teams compete online and in live national competitions. For more information, visit
Management Decision Making (TEAM 1-3 People) Making critical decisions that provide the right direction and a winning position in today's business world is essential to good management. Business executives must make high-quality, nearly instantaneous decisions all the time. The ability to make the right decisions concerning vision, growth, resources, strengths, and weaknesses leads to a successful business. It is management's responsibility to manage for today and tomorrow, to manage for optimum efficiency, and to manage to compete in the marketplace. At the region conference, a collaborative one-hour online objective test will be administered. At the state conference, a collaborative one-hour online objective test will be administered, and the top 10 teams will participate in an oral presentation.
Management Information Systems (TEAM 1-3 People) The ability to design and implement an information system solution to effectively manage vast amounts of information is a valuable skill that leads to the success of many business entities today. The use of technology to develop these information systems plays a crucial role in a business' ability to compete in today's business environment. The event provides recognition for FBLA members who demonstrate and understanding of and ability to apply these skills. At the region conference, a collaborative online one-hour objective test will be administered. At the state conference, a collaborative one-hour objective test will be administered, and the top 10 teams will participate in an oral presentation.
Marketing (TEAM 1-3 People) Marketing involves the distribution of products and services to the consumer. This event provides recognition for FBLA members who possess knowledge of the basic principles of marketing. A one-hour online objective test will be administered at the region level. At the state conference, a one-hour objective test will be administered, and the top 10 individuals will participate in an oral presentation.
Mobile Application Development (Individual or Team of 2/3) 2 Entries May be Submitted Society is daily moving to a constant feed of communication, transfer of information, and the need to access or process information in a mobile environment. Mobile Applications are necessary to provide users with the ability to be productive while away from their full computers. Mobile Applications can be used as a lite version of something that would be done on a full computer, or they can provide a tool for something that users would only need to do on their phone
Network Design (TEAM 1-3 People) The ability to evaluate the needs of an organization and then design and implement network solutions is a valuable skill in today's connected workplace. This event provides recognition for FBLA members who demonstrate an understanding of and ability to apply these skills. At the region conference, a collaborative online one-hour objective test will be administered. At the state conference, a collaborative online one-hour objective test will be administered, and the top 10 teams will participate in an oral presentation.
(INDIVIDUAL 3 students from South can compete in this event.) Networking Concepts (INDIVIDUAL 3 students from South can compete in this event.) Acquiring a high level of familiarization and proficiency on and with networks is essential in today's connected workplace. This event provides recognition for FBLA members who have an understanding of data communications and network administration. A one-hour online objective test will be administered at the region and state levels.
Organizational Leadership (INDIVIDUAL 3 students from South can compete in this event.) This event recognizes FBLA members who demonstrate an understanding of and skill in organization leadership.
Parliamentary Procedure (1 TEAM 4-5 People) This event recognizes FBLA members who demonstrate knowledge of the principles of parliamentary procedure. This event is based on team rather than individual competition. Team participants develop speaking ability and poise through competitive performance. At the region conference, a one-hour objective test will be administered to each member and an average team score determined. At the state conference, a cone-hour objective test will be administered to each member, and the top 10 teams with the highest average score will participate in an oral presentation.
(INDIVIDUAL 3 students from South can compete in this event.) Personal Finance (INDIVIDUAL 3 students from South can compete in this event.) Financial literacy is essential in meeting the financial challenges of the 21st Century. This event recognizes students who possess essential knowledge and skills related to financial issues, can analyze the rights and responsibilities of consumers, and apply knowledge to financial situations. A one-hour online objective test will be administered at the region and state levels.
Public Service Announcement (Individual or Team of 2/3) 2 Entries May be Submitted Public service ads (PSA) or public service announcements are basic messages to the public that raise awareness on a specific social issue. This event recognizes FBLA members who demonstrate the ability to research a topic (issue) and create an original and informative thirty (30) second PSA video, raising awareness and/or evoking a changed attitude toward the issue
Public Speaking This event recognizes FBLA members who, through public speaking, demonstrate qualities of business leadership by presenting a well-organized, logical, and substantial speech. At the region level, each participant will be given an opportunity to present a 5-minute speech. At the state level, all participants will be divided as equally as possible into three groups in a preliminary round to present a 5-minute speech, and the top 4 from each group will advance to a final round.
Publication Design Knowledge of publication design is vital in many aspects of today's visual business publications. This event provides recognition to FBLA members who can most effectively demonstrate skills in the areas of publication design, creativity, and decision making. At the region level, the individual or team of 2 or 3 will prepare their work and then prepare a presentation which includes the team's objective toward the topic; the script writing process; use of different video techniques; a list of equipment and software used; and copyright issues with pictures, music, or other items.
(2 Individual students NO TEAMS) 2 Entries May be Submitted Sales Presentation (2 Individual students NO TEAMS) 2 Entries May be Submitted Participation in this event will allow individuals to demonstrate proficiency in selling techniques, merchandise knowledge, and presenting it to the customer. Participants will sell a product or concept of their choice to the judges.
Securities & Investments (INDIVIDUAL 3 students from South can compete in this event.) This event provides recognition for FBLA members who have an understanding of securities and investments. A one-hour online objective test will be administered at the region and state levels.
(Individual or Team of 2/3) 2 Entries May be Submitted Social Media Campaign (Individual or Team of 2/3) 2 Entries May be Submitted Social media is changing the way businesses communicate with customers and prospects and how they promote products and services. Effectively using social media as a marketing channel is a crucial component of any strategic marketing plan
Sports and Entertainment Management (1 TEAM 1-3 People) The sports industry is rapidly growing in this country and the world. For an individual to be successful and effective in this type of work, a core understanding of business and comprehensive awareness of sports is necessary to succeed in sports management. This event provides recognition for FBLA members who possess the basic principles of sports management.
Spreadsheet Applications Spreadsheet skills are necessary to convert data to information in business. This event recognizes FBLA members who demonstrate that they have acquired skills for spreadsheet development in business. At the region level, a one-hour school-site application test will be administered at the home school, and a one-hour online objective test will also be administered. At the state level, a one-hour school-site application test will be administered at the home school, and a one-hour online objective test will also be administered.
Virtual Business Finance Challenge The FBLA Virtual Business Challenge encourages FBLA members to test their skills at managing a distribution center individually or as a team. This national event has two challenges during the year (fall and spring), and each challenge focuses on different business concepts. Members may compete individually or as part of a team in both challenges, and chapter may enter as many teams as they wish in each challenge. Visit the following site for more information:
Virtual Business Management Challenge The FBLA Virtual Business Challenge encourages FBLA members to test their skills at managing a distribution center individually or as a team. This national event has two challenges during the year (fall and spring), and each challenge focuses on different business concepts. Members may compete individually or as part of a team in both challenges, and chapter may enter as many teams as they wish in each challenge. Visit the following site for more information:
Who's Who in FBLA This award honors FBLA members who have made outstanding contributions to the Association at the local, state, and/or national levels. In order to be considered, the member must have completed the "Future" level of the Business Achievement Awards before submission of the Who's Who application.
(Individual or Team of 2/3) Web Site Design (Individual or Team of 2/3) 2 Entries May be Submitted The ability to communicate ideas and concepts, and to deliver value to customers, using the Internet and related technologies is an important element in a business' success. This event recognizes FBLA members who have developed proficiency in the creation and design of websites. The student(s) will complete the web site based on the posted topic on the PA FBLA web site.
Word Processing Word processing skills are necessary to obtain information-processing positions in business. This event recognizes FBLA members who demonstrate that they have acquired entry-level skills for word processing positions in business