SNAP spectrograph demonstrator : Test Plan Cedric CERNA CNRS (IN2P3,INSU) FRANCE,
Performances requirements Functional requirement INTRODUCTION As explain in the specification requirements document : The demonstrator should demonstrate the capability of the slicer technology to achieve the main performance requirements derived from the scientific requirements of the SNAP instrument. Performances requirements Functional requirement November 15 & 16, 2005 Cerna, C.
Summary Functional requirements summary Test plan : Entrance PSF (R2) Image quality (R3) Pointing accuracy (R4) Diffraction losses (R5) Distortion correction (R6 + RP4) Straylight measurement (R7) November 15 & 16, 2005 Cerna, C.
Demonstrator summary stack of 5 slices, 10x0.5mm each warm & cold tests are foreseen : @ warm : 9x9mm pixels, 1 slice width imaged on 2 pixels @ cold : 18x18mm pixels, 1 slice width imaged on 1 pixel steering mirror relative positioning known @ 1/10 of slice width November 15 & 16, 2005 Cerna, C.
Functional requirements 2 detectors R1 : wavelength coverage from 0.4 to 1.7 mm R2 : PSF sampling FWHM @ 1mm = 1 slice width 1rst Airy ring @ 1.7mm should contained in the FOV R3 : Diffraction limited @ 1.7mm i.e. FWHMexp = FWHMth +/-5% R4 : PSF Pointing : absolute pointing @ 1/10 slice width R5 : Diffraction losses : measure the diffraction losses due to the positioning of the PSF inside the slice R6 : Distortions : correction of the distortions effects should be known at 1/10 of pixel R7 : Straylight : must be measured < 10-3 Pupil & steering 5 slices PSF measurements November 15 & 16, 2005 Cerna, C.
Steering mirror test plan (R2) Goal : verify the PSF shape and size in the visible range 250 mm November 15 & 16, 2005 Cerna, C.
Diffraction limited (R3) The diffraction have to be controlled at 1.7mm measuring the FWHM of the PSF with a precision of 5% to compare it with the simulation (FWHMth~0.7mm) November 15 & 16, 2005 Cerna, C.
Absolute pointing accuracy (R4) We will already have a relative pointing accuracy We are searching for an absolute one Steering position Intensity (%) 100 November 15 & 16, 2005 Cerna, C.
Diffraction losses (R5) x,y,l scanning x y intensity diffraction losses y November 15 & 16, 2005 Cerna, C.
Distortion correction 1/2 (R6) Iso-lambda correction : monochromatic sources x,y,l scanning detector y l slicer x x November 15 & 16, 2005 Cerna, C.
Distortion correction 1/2 (R6) monochromatic flat field on one slice monochromatic PSF multi-scan on one slice l 20 pxl width f l FWHM 2-3 pxl height Fit with 1/10 pixel precision achievable x y slicer x November 15 & 16, 2005 Cerna, C.
Distortion correction 2/2 (R6) Iso-position correction : large spectre sources x,y,l scanning November 15 & 16, 2005 Cerna, C.
Distortion correction 2/2 (R6) l Fit with 1/10 pixel precision achievable ~100 pixels from 2 to 5 pixels x November 15 & 16, 2005 Cerna, C.
Straylight measurement (R7) Slits mirrors Slices uniformly lighted November 15 & 16, 2005 Cerna, C.
Straylight measurement (R7 PSF max = 47 000 ADU slit 1 Over exposure CROSS-TALK < 10-4 Proto 0, summer 2005 slit 0 slit -1 slice 1 slice 0 slice -1 SLIT 0 over exposition PSF as small as possible November 15 & 16, 2005 Cerna, C.
Test plan This test plan will be almost the same for warm and cold test It is in phase of finalization : illumination module (lamps, filters…) in course of definition A detailed experience protocol document will be written for next spring November 15 & 16, 2005 Cerna, C.
Spares slides November 15 & 16, 2005 Cerna, C.
Photometry sphotometry l x f SNAP spectro simulation : Star spectrum in the visible range sphotometry f l With an SNR=100 sphotometry =5% is achievable x November 15 & 16, 2005 Cerna, C.