Vocab Unit 7 Jeopardy Eng 4
Words that are hard to spell Definitions Words that are hard to spell Synonyms Antonyms Complete the Sentence 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500
Words that are hard to spell Synonyms Definitions Antonyms Complete the Sentence 100 Def: Answer: 100 word: Answer: 100 Def: Answer: 100 word: Answer: 100 Key words: Answer: 200 Def: Answer: 200 word: Answer: 200 Def: Answer: 200 word: Answer: 200 Key words: Answer: 300 Def: Answer: 300 word: Answer: 300 Def: Answer: 300 word: Answer: 300 Key words: Answer: 400 Def: Answer: 400 word: Answer: 400 Def: Answer: 400 word: Answer: 400 Key words: Answer: 500 Def: Answer: 500 word: Answer: 500 Def: Answer: 500 word: Answer: 500 Key words: Answer:
Words that are hard to spell 100 Points Definition: Involving or characteristic of clever rogues or adventures
Words that are hard to spell 100 Points picaresque
Words that are hard to spell 200 Points Definition: To corrupt morally, seduce; to indulge in dissipation
Words that are hard to spell 200 Points debauch
Words that are hard to spell 300 Points Definition: A sudden, violent, or devastating upheaval; a surging flood, deluge
Words that are hard to spell 300 Points cataclysm
Words that are hard to spell 400 Points Definition: The ability to say and to do the right thing in any situation; social competence
Words that are hard to spell 400 Points Savoir-faire
Words that are hard to spell 500 Points Definition: just beginning; not fully shaped or formed
Words that are hard to spell 500 Points inchoate
Synonyms 100 Points The team’s nemesis
Synonyms 100 Points comeuppance
Holding the vote in abeyance Synonyms 200 Points Holding the vote in abeyance
Synonyms 200 Points postponement
A beleaguered position Synonyms 300 Points A beleaguered position
Synonyms 300 Points besieged
Synonyms 400 Points Gambol in the park
Synonyms 400 Points frolic
A picaresque tale of high adventure Synonyms 500 Points A picaresque tale of high adventure
Synonyms 500 Points roguish
To make a choice or a decision Definitions 100 Points Definition: To make a choice or a decision
definitions 100 Points opt
Definitions 200 Points Stubborn; hard or difficult to manage; not responsive to treatment or cure
Definitions 200 Points refractory
Definition 300 Points Lacking in, hostile to, or smugly indifferent to cultural and artistic values or refinements
Definition 300 Points philistine
To soak thoroughly; to fill the mind Definitions 400 Points To soak thoroughly; to fill the mind
Definitions 400 Points imbue
Full freedom or authority to act at one’s own disposition Definitions 500 Points Full freedom or authority to act at one’s own disposition
Definitions 500 Points Carte blanche
The éclat of her presentation Antonym 100 Points The éclat of her presentation
Antonym 100 Points mediocrity
Antonym 200 Points Inchoate plant forms
Antonym 200 Points developed
Antonym 300 Points A refractory colt
Antonym 300 Points docile
Fastidious in appearance Antonym 400 Points Fastidious in appearance
Antonym 400 Points slovenly
Lampoon of the official Antonym 500 Points Lampoon of the official
Antonym 500 Points Homage to
Complete Sentence 100 Points President John F. Kennedy tried to ____ young people with the desire to serve their country.
Complete the sentence 100 Points imbue
Complete Sentence 200 Points Hardly a week goes by without a(n) ____ of the president on the newspaper’s op-ed page. Op-ed= opinion/ editorial section
Complete Sentence 200 Points lampoon
Complete Sentence 300 Points The novel recounting the ___ adventures of Candide was successfully adapted for the Broadway musical stage.
Complete Sentence 300 Points picaresque
Complete Sentence 400 Points The picture book was a tale of a man leading a(n) _____ mule, with great difficulty, to the city.
Complete Sentence 400 Points refractory
Complete Sentence 500 Points James’s idea of sophisticated _____ was to honk the horn only once in front of his date’s house.
Complete Sentence 500 Points Savoir-faire
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