The Mouse And The Motorcycle By Beverly Cleary Presentation by Landon Zurliene
Chapter 1 The mouse and the motorcycle. The family took a trip to california. The boy over heard door man saying that there can be mice. He got his cars out and then it was time for dinner.
Chapter 2 When the boy was eating dinner and ready for bed Ralph was trying to find out how to get to motorcycle. Ralph got to it and stared ride it but flip into waste basket.
Chapter 3 When Ralph woke up he was hurt his head. Now he is trying to tip over the waste basket. The boy comes in but ralph fall asleep .
Chapter 4 Keith was getting ready for bed and he saw that his motorcycle was in the waste basket rand Keith finally met Ralph. Keith left the room . Ralph talked to him like he knew him.
Chapter 5 Keith let Ralph use the motorcycle every night .Ralph rode the motorcycle till he saw a person coming out of the room. The got mom almost got Ralph.
Chapter 6 Keith explained how to ride the motorcycle and be careful . Keith gave Ralph a peanut butter jelly sandwich. The maid was going to look under the bed.
Chapter 7 Ralph was under the bed and the lady came with Vacuum cleaner. Ralph got away safely. Ralph lost control of the motorcycle. Ralph was in a hamper.
Chapter 8 Keith gave Ralph’s family a muffin and a cookie. Keith gave Ralph a crash helmet. Ralph family had family reunion.
Chapter 9 Keith was not mad at Ralph. He gave him breakfast. The motel saw hole in the sheet.
Chapter 10 Ralph’s mom wanted to tip Keith for room service. Keith did not want to go to dinner. Keith did not feel good.
Chapter 11 Ralph was going to find Keith an aspirin. Ralph was under a class cup. People on second floor caught him!
Chapter 12 Ralph found a aspirin. Ralph could not get it to Keith. Ralph used Keith’s car.
Chapter 13 Ralph gave to Keith. In the morning he felt a little bit better. Keith got Ralph room service. Keith got the motorcycle back. Ralph got the motorcycle for ever.