Passive Voice Converter Machine Verb To Be in the same tense as the main Verb in the Active Sentence + Machine thinking To be or not to be… Past Participle “*)?=’¡ ?? This is the procedure to turn any sentence from Active into Passive Voice. Let´s see other examples in the next pages IS produced Press to Start Produce Is in Present Simple Verb To Be In Present Simple + Past Participle of Produce Next They produce coffee in Brazil
Passive Voice Converter Machine Verb To Be in the same tense as the main Verb in the Active Sentence + Machine thinking To be or not to be… Past Participle “*)?=’¡ ?? Remember !!! Verb To Be in the same tense as the main verb in the Active Sentence plus the Past Participle of that verb Let´s see other examples in the next pages was broken Press to Start Broke Is in Past Simple Verb To Be In Past Simple + Past Participle of Break Next Somebody broke the window last week
Passive Voice Converter Machine Verb To Be in the same tense as the main Verb in the Active Sentence + Machine thinking To be or not to be… Past Participle “*)?=’¡ Tip ! Be careful! When the Object in the Active Sentence becomes the Subject the form may change in number from singular to plural Let´s see other examples in the next pages ?? Have been written Press to Start Has written Is in Present Perfect Verb To Be In Present Perfect + Past Participle of write Next Somebody Has Written the walls With a marker
Passive Voice Converter Machine Verb To Be in the same tense as the main Verb in the Active Sentence + Machine thinking To be or not to be… Past Participle “*)?=’¡ ?? Are being opened Press to Start Open Is in Present Continuous Verb To Be In Present continuous + Past Participle of open Next They Are opening The mails now
Passive Voice Converter Machine Verb To Be in the same tense as the main Verb in the Active Sentence + Machine thinking To be or not to be… Past Participle “*)?=’¡ ?? Was being cooked Press to Start cook Is in Past Continuous Verb To Be In Past Continuous + Past Participle of cook Next Someone was cooking a delicious pie at the baker’s
Watch the video segment and fill in the blanks of the exercise with the correct verb form 1) Remy/distract/ the cyclist. 2) The cyclist /crash /bike into a car that was parked on the street. 3) Remy/ pull/ Linguini's hair in order to move his body. 4) Remy /command/ Linguini's body movements. 5) Remy /open/Linguini's eyes. 6) Colette /park/ the scooter in front of the restaurant. Write the sentences above using the passive voice