SEMINAR- 4 OO Analysis and Design GRADUATION PROJECT-1 SEMINAR- 4 OO Analysis and Design Academic Year: 1433-1434 / 2012-2013 Semester I
AGENDA Object Oriented Analysis Full Example Model: OO Analysis and Design
User Requirements and System Specifications
OO Oriented Analysis and Design
Sample Analysis and Design University e-Registration System Presented by: Bayan – Nadia –Khoulod-Abeer and Haifa
University e registration Software system University e registration system is basically used to simplify and operates the registering operation for students and faculties in a specific university . The system shall allow students to log in into the system by entering the user name and password , therefore adding and dropping courses should be allowed by the system for the students , in addition all other information's such as the previous courses, academic file and all other services provided to the student must be easy to view and request.
University e registration Software system Students at KSU may take many different courses. The students however, should not take more than five courses during one semester. A course may only start if there are at least 15 students registered. Otherwise, the course has to be cancelled. Teaching for less than 15 students would be too expensive. The courses are taught by lecturers. The fact that you are a lecturer does not hinder you from taking courses at university. There may be cases that a lecturer takes and teaches on one and the same course simultaneously. This is in cases when the lecturer is a PhD student. The work he has put into developing and teaching on a course will give him credit point within his PhD studies. So lecturers may take courses as well. Each university course is based on some book. One course may be based on at least one book. However, many books may be read on one and the same course.
Some of the Services Provided by the System: 1-Signing up , signing in and signing out. 2-Manipulates and control registering in courses (add – drop) and dropping the semester. 3-View courses and all its information's (doctor’s name-day and time-which class room and section number). 4-Provide previous courses and their grades.
Some of the Services Provided by the System: 5-All students academic information’s must be included. 6-A student can change some personal information's (telephone number and Email address). 7-The ability to change the password . 8-and so many other services provided by the university using the *university e registration system*
A diagram shows the people who are enroll in the university system
Colleges and universities across the country use ABC Signup to manage registrations for distance learning, HR and continuing education programs, alumni functions and other events.
in the next diagram there will be a sequence class e registration diagram
Use case diagram for university e registration system:
University’s Design Class Diagrams
University’s Design Class Diagrams
REFERENCES FOR THIS GUIDE Conclusions. (n.d.). Conclusions. Retrieved November 4, 2009, from The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: Literature Reviews. (n.d.). Retrieved November 4, 2009, from The Writing Center: Pressman, R. S. (2001). Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach. New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Sommerville, I. (2007). Software Engineeing. London: Addison Wesley.
GRADUATION PROJECT-1 Thank you.. Good Luck! Any Questions ?