Year 9 – Geography Revision Guide Name: Class: Topic 1: On not so solid ground! Topic 2: Maps and Backpacks Topic 3: Who wants to be a billionaire? Please tick when complete: Structure of the earth – name and describe layers Geological Time periods and Pangea 4 types of plate boundaries – constructive, destructive, conservative, collision Earthquakes – What are they? Why do they happen? Diagrams and labels. Volcanoes - Which boundaries experience volcanoes? What happens inside? See diagram and labels. How do earthquakes affect people? How do volcanoes affect people? How can damage from earthquakes and volcanoes be reduced? (buildings, etc.) What is a tsunami? Please tick when complete: 3 types of tourism – define and give examples The four types of industry Different types of attractions Human eg: theme parks Natural eg: lakes, mountains How has tourism grown in the last 100 years and why? Benefits and problems of tourism for local people, economy and environment Domestic tourism case study eg: Hay-on-Wye, St Ives etc Mass tourism case study eg: Benidorm, Thailand, Gambia What is the Butler model? What does it suggest? Ecotourism case study eg: small scale tourism in rainforest of Peru Please tick when complete: What is development? How can it be measured? Development indicators eg: literacy rate, life expectancy etc What is the happiness index? What factors affect the level of development? Eg: political etc What is the pattern of rich and poor countries/billionaires? The cycle of poverty How can the development gap be tackled? (ways poor countries help themselves & rich helping) Describe the conditions in shanty towns and suggest improvements. Why are some regions rich? E.g. China, Middle East. Aid project – how should we reduce the gap? Should the rich get richer?
Year 9 – Geography Revision Guide Topic 4: Ecosystems Topic 5: On the move Hints and tips: Please tick when complete: What is an ecosystem? Identify two parts and give examples. Identify a range of biomes including: Tropical rainforest Deciduous woodland Desert Tundra Savanna Where are they located? Why are they located there? How does energy move within an ecosystem? How do nutrients move within an ecosystem? Key stone species Case study of the tundra biome What are the conditions like? How do people and animals survive there? What threats do humans pose? Please tick when complete: Keywords and definitions eg: migration, immigration, emigration, illegal immigrant etc Identify a range of push and pull factors which cause migration Intercontinental case study of economic migrants – migrating from Africa to Europe International case study of economic migrants – migrating from Mexico to the USA Describe the difficulties a refugee might face Voluntary migration from UK to Spain Explain a range of positive and negative impacts on the country of origin and the host country Sources of information: Exercise book and notes. Library books/ revision guides. Internet: - made for you by the Geography department!!!!! 5. TV and film documentaries. You only remember 15% of what you read. So reading through your notes is not enough. You need to use the information in different ways e.g. making mind maps, flash cards, posters and discussing information with family and friends. The best way to revise is to teach others! Some good advice: Have a revision timetable Schedule in breaks/ relaxation Give yourself enough time (the night before simply is not enough time) Eat well, keep hydrated and allow yourself enough sleep.