Towards a Robust Social Tenure Domain Model Conference on Challenges for Land Policy And Administration Washington DC February 14th 2008 Christiaan Lemmen Peter van Oosterom Clarissa Augustinus Paul van der Molen
Land registry in practice
Post-disaster countries Tsunami: Data lost, difficult to recover risk of paper registers: no back-up employees of this office were killed However, standardized system LADM does help to get re-started
Proposal (FIG, Washington 2002) by Lemmen/van Oosterom Develop standard Core Cadastral Domain Model (CCDM), based on core object-right-subject Object-orientation (UML) Model Driven Architecture (MDA) Accepted by large community Maximize co-operation, minimize double effort
Relations Right Subject Object Parcel 1 20 ha Ownership 1/1 NP Juan
Relations Right Subject Object Ownership 1/2 NP Juanita Parcel 2 0.2 ha Ownership 1/2 NP Carlos
Relations Right Subject Object Ownership 1/2 NP Johanna Parcel 6 50 ha NP Javier Land Use NNP TCO
Relations Right Subject Object Land Use 1/1 NP Elisabeth Parcel 5 10 ha Parcel 4 70 ha
Transaction Right Subject Object Parcel 9 1 ha Ownership 1/1 NP Juan Mortgage € 10.000 NNP Banco Parcel 9 1 ha Ownership 1/1 NP Juan
Transacion: Sub-division Right Subject Object Parcel 11 5 ha Ownership 1/1 NP Juan Ownership 1/1 NNP Parcel 12 3 ha NP Juan Parcel 13 2 ha
The Social Tenure Domain Model Person Social Tenure Relationship Spatial Unit Parcel Person Right Object Subject Social tenure
Range of ‘Person’ - Types Group with non-defined membership Group - Tribe Group of groups Natural Person Company Municipality Co-operatives Married couple Ministry Etc << can be extended
Social Tenure (Right) - Continuum Ownership Apartment - Right Co-operations Occupation Tenancy Possession Miri – Milk – Waqf Restriction Types State Property Etc << can be extended Non-formal and informal rights Customary Types, Indigenous Rights Tenancy Possession (Certificate of) Comfort Disagreement Overlap Uncontrolled Privatisation Conflict situations Etc << can be extended
(Social) Credit Right – ‘Continuum’ Micro Credit Group Loan Individual Loan Loan on a Constructed Residence Mortgage Etc << can be extended
Spatial Units Quality labels Parcel Apartment Building Customary area Group of area´s Etc << can be extended Quality labels One Point - inside polygon One point - street axes Set of Lines Polygon (low accuracy) Polygon (high accuracy) 3D Volume Etc << can be extended
Data Acquisition Spatial Units Range of Persons Tenure type / Collateral Spatial Administrative
Different Data Acquisition Approaches Residential Area Residential Area Slum Slum Urban Business District Customary Area Slum
Development of the LADM-STDM New ISO Work Item Proposal has been proposed by FIG (N2385 – 1st of February 2008) Voting in May 2008 Prototype development UN Habitat/ ITC Publications
Conclusion A person (natural, non natural), a group of persons or a group of groups can have a one or more types of rights or SocioalTenureRelations associated, where each right concerns one or more SpatialUnits; SpatialUnits can overlap and can always be identified with a label. A right or SocialTenureRelation is always in between Persons and SpatialUnits. There can be different registrations/recordation's in Land Administration for one territory
Anthony Lamba
Kisumu: evaluation Enumeration: different type of registration and documentation Accepted by the community Data sets are convertible to STDM Co-ordinate systems allow for combination of data-sources: also historical Maintenance of data: low quality cadastral map Maintenance of data: enumeration data Need for GNNS Infrastructure… Need for co-operation Policies may require different data acquisition methods
Thank you