Comments on TGn FRCC Doc #11-03-814r17 Month 2004 doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/240r0 March 2004 Comments on TGn FRCC Doc #11-03-814r17 Massimiliano Siti, Stefano Valle, George Vlantis STMicroelectronics {massimiliano.siti, stefano.valle, george.vlantis} M. Siti, S. Valle, G. Vlantis - STMicroelectronics Colin Lanzl, Aware
March 2004 CC59 At the 24 Feb 2004 FRCC telecon, STMicro proposed a change to CC59 whereby impairments IM2, IM3, and IM4 are switched off (cf. Doc. #11-04/0210r0), in order to isolate the effects of the impairments. The straw poll is reported in the Doc #11-03-815r10 minutes in section 3.05, pg. 8 as 10-to-8 passing, although the suggested text is missing from the current CC version. Including impairments in CC59 will obscure the comparison among proposals for ideal MIMO channels with AWGN at the receivers. M. Siti, S. Valle, G. Vlantis - STMicroelectronics
March 2004 Diversification of CC67 Evaluation of the “maximum achievable” performance of the various proposals, in an ideal (i.e. non-AWGN, ideal CSI at Rx, and IM2-IM4 switched off) is not included in CC59 and the variants of CC67. We proposed text for a new CC67-bis, in Doc. #11-04/0210r0, in which the “maximum achievable” performance can be determined. Robustness to impairments can be evaluated, separately, as in the current CC67, for clarity. M. Siti, S. Valle, G. Vlantis - STMicroelectronics
March 2004 Text for new CC67-bis Name: PER performance in non-AWGN channels and ideal conditions . Definition: show the PER curves for the same cases proposed in CC67 with the following conditions: perfect CSI at the receiver, perfect timing acquisition (timing locked to the first sample of the OFDM symbol), no frequency offset (frequency offset compensation unit switched off), no phase noise modelling. M. Siti, S. Valle, G. Vlantis - STMicroelectronics
March 2004 Comments on 11-03/814r17 (1 of 2) For the purpose of comparison, one set of antenna characteristics (e.g. uniform linear array, isotropic elements, l/2 spacing, no antenna coupling, vertical polarization) should be specified in the CCs. Different configurations should be allowable under the standard. CC67.2: Should specify -13.7ppm or specify the two extremes (-40ppm & +40ppm). Either is preferable to a random frequency offset IM2. M. Siti, S. Valle, G. Vlantis - STMicroelectronics
Comments on 11-03/814r17 (2 of 2) March 2004 We understand that the usage of IM1 and IM4 in the “PHY Performance” CCs (59 and 67s) is universal, and that the usage of IM2 and IM3 is restricted to CC67.2. If this is not true, then a clarification is in order. Usage of IM5 Noise Figure is even a bigger mystery. We understand that LOS models, except possibly CC67.2, are not used. M. Siti, S. Valle, G. Vlantis - STMicroelectronics