DF design as a node type
Overview: multiple DFs with TOSCA_matching Matching rules: First, the node type of DF in the VNFD service template matchs the one defined in substitution mapping of lower level DF service template. Second, the matching is based on the flavour_ID property DF_1 service template VDU_1 VDU_2 Substitution mapping node_type: tosca.nodes.nfv.df.DF_example properties: flavour_id: flavour1 VNFD service template TOSCA_matching DF node template DF: type:tosca.nodes.nfv.df.DF_example properties: flavour_ID: get_input: flavour_ID VL_1 or DF_2 service template VDU_1 VDU_2 VDU_3 TOSCA_matching The first matching rule is the normal substitution mapping, since there are multiple DFs for a VNFD, the type of the DF node template in the VNFD service template will map to two DF service templates (DF_1 and DF_2). The second matching rule is based on the node filters matching as defined in tosca-simple-profile-yaml-v1.2, which the value constraint of flavour_ID property of the DF node template in the VNFD service template shall match to the flavour_ID property of one of the DF service template defined in the substitution mapping part. Substitution mapping node_type: tosca.nodes.nfv.df.DF_example properties: flavour_id: flavour2 VL_1
Overview: single DF design DF_1 service template VDU_1 VDU_2 Substitution mapping node_type: tosca.nodes.nfv.df.DF_example #properties: #flavour_id: flavour1 VNFD service template mapping DF node template DF: type:tosca.nodes.nfv.df.DF_example #properties: #flavour_ID: flavour_1 VL_1 or If there is only one DF in a VNFD, only the substitution_mapping mechanism to map the DF service template and the VNFD service template is applied. The type of the DF node template in VNFD service template will only map to one DF service template. In this case, tosca-simple-profile-yaml v1.0 or v 1.1 is enough to be used for the VNFD design and parse.
Deployment flavour service template design DF_1 service template Policy? VDU_1 VDU_2 workflow? VL_1 Group capability Policy?