spreadsheet data analysis Climate Data spreadsheet data analysis Prepared for GUTS PD 1/11 Harry Henderson and Betsy Frederick Josh Thorp and Melissa Gibbons
Choose raw daily.
then pick Santa Fe County Municipal Airport Let’s pick 2008 till present. then pick Santa Fe County Municipal Airport Then click submit.
It should look something like this:
Select all [ctrl-a], copy [ctrl-c]. Then open a notepad.
On a Mac, use TextEdit
Paste into notepad (or TextEdit) [ctrl-v] Paste into notepad (or TextEdit) [ctrl-v]. In TextEdit, select “Plain Text” under “Format”
Save the notepad and then open it into Excel and choose “text file” type.
Now choose delimited, then Next.
Unselect TAB, select OTHER, and enter “|” (pipe) then choose Finish.
Let’s start playing with the data. Select Chart Wizard from your Toolbar
Choose SCATTER [only markers] and click Next.
Select Series, click Add
For Series 1, Name = Max Temp, X values = Dates (A11-A1104), Y values = B11-B1104
Add two more series: Min Temp and Mean Temp Add two more series: Min Temp and Mean Temp. X values are the same, Y values are D11-D1104 for Min and F11-F1104 for Mean. Click Finish to add Chart to Worksheet. Ta Da!