Cinematic Look and Exposure
ISO =film speed (censor light sensitivity) Gain, fake light, creates “grain” but as undesirable noise Lower number, needs more light (less noise) Higher number, needs less light (more noise) Noise usually means NOT enough light Lower ISOs may have noise In some NLEs you can denoise
ISO Settings Higher ISOs reduce sharpeness 320 and under for day/outdoor Try to stay under 1000, never set over 1600 Native: 160, 320, 640, 1250
Shutter Creates blur; slower=more blur How long each frame is exposed to light (how long the censor is on 24 times/second) Can bump up shutter to 80-100 (or more
Issues w/ Shutter “Artifact”? Strobing: (180 shutter...frame exposed half time) pans and fast moving objects across frames creates a jerky movement Whole frame is not exposed at once Motion Blur: (longer exposure time) captures more movement Rolling Shutter: jello effect from moving camera Dream-like effect
Aperture Hole in lens creates light path F/number: ratio of focal length to diameter of entrance pupil Focal length/f#=diameter 50mm/f/2=25mm pupil Adds more clean light, shallow DOF Lets in LESS light, greater DOF Standard “full” stops: 1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16, 22
F/number Settings Try f/1.4-f/4 for narrative BUT f/4-f/5.6 may be best for narrative production f/4-f/8 for documentary or great DOF Depending on lens, f/2.8 could be too shallow for narrative production (focus pulling)
A Note on DOF Depth plane: fore, middle, and background Focal Plane: distance from camera where sharpest focus is attained DOF: range of distance before/after focal plane in which acceptable focus is maintained DOF is determined by: f/number, censor, focal length, subject's proximity to film plane on camera
Tools for Measuring Exposure Meter (spot meter), 18% grey, exposure compensation Histogram (shows tonal range=luminance) Waveform Monitor Use these tools until you train your eyes Underexpose instead of overexpose Avoid crushing blacks and blowing out whites