Shoumi Mustafa November 20, 2017


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Shoumi Mustafa November 20, 2017 Pathways: From two-year college associate degrees to baccalaureate degrees Engineering Shoumi Mustafa November 20, 2017

Developing pathways: Questions & answers Information: Mapping the pathways How many associate degrees are granted by Ohio’s public two-year institutions? How many of the associate degrees are Applied/Technical and how many are in Arts/Science? Do four-year college enrollment rates differ by associate degree types? What about graduation rates? Answers from the data Almost 15,000 associate degrees granted by public two-year colleges in 2009-10. 11,641 – 77.8% – of all associate degrees are Applied/Technical degrees. Yes. Enrollment rates are 22.1% for Applied/Tech. & 48.8% for Arts/Science. Graduation rates also differ; 50.8% for Applied/Tech. & 70.1% for Arts/Science.

From associate to baccalaureate degrees Associate degrees granted by Ohio public two-year institutions fall in two broad categories: Applied & Technical: Associate of Applied Business (AAB); Associate of Applied Science (AAS); Associate of Technical Studies (ATS) & Associate of Information Technology (AIT). Arts & Sciences Associate of Arts (AA) & Associate of Science (AS). Depending on the associate degree type and the pathways students choose, they have varied options leading to baccalaureate degrees. The required combination of courses in four-year institutions depend on the following: Type of associate degree & area of concentration Preferred baccalaureate degree discipline

Information for developing pathways An efficient system eliminates course duplication, and ensures that credits accumulated under associate degrees apply to meeting baccalaureate degree requirements. In order to develop efficient pathways, we need mappings of pathways for each prominent baccalaureate degree discipline; we need information on the following: Associate degree types + Associate degree area concentrations Subsequent four-year institution enrollment patterns Baccalaureate degree receipt Baccalaureate degree discipline Baccalaureate degree names and degree granting institutions This report considers pathways leading to baccalaureate degrees in Engineering. Previous reports have considered business, Social Work, and Education. A series of similar reports would be prepared for other disciplines/majors. Next: Other STEM Fields, Humanities.

Progression parameters: All associate degree recipients Associate degree types Subsequent four-year institution enrollment patterns Baccalaureate degree receipt Information presented in this report are obtained using data from the Higher Education Information (HEI) system of the Ohio Department of Higher Education.

Two-year college associate degrees in 2009-10: Distribution of degree type All Associate Degrees* N: 14,861 Applied/Technical Degrees N: 11,641 (77.8%) ATS: N:344 AAS: N:8,817 AAB: N:2,480 Arts/Science Degrees: N:3,220 (21.5%) AA: N:2,157 AS: N:960 AA & AS: N:103 AAB: Associate of Applied Business; AAS: Associate of Applied Science; ATS: Associate of Technical Studies; AA: Associate of Arts; AS: Associate of Science. *An additional 73 individuals had received both Applied/Technical & Arts/Science degrees, and another 33 had received Associate degrees in Individual Studies. Those 106 students are excluded from the chart.

Progression from associate to baccalaureate degrees: All associate degree recipients All Associate Degrees N: 14,861 Applied/Technical Degrees N: 11,641 (77.8%) Four-year enrollment: 2,575 (22.1%) Graduation: 1,304 (50.8%) Arts/Science Degrees: N:3,220 (22.2%) 1,100 (70.1%) 1,569 (48.8%) Note: Four-year enrollment refers to attendance at Ohio public four-year main and regional campuses.

Distribution of Baccalaureate degree disciplines: All associate degree recipients

Moving to specific pathways: Engineering Questions What associate degree types usually lead to baccalaureate degrees in Engineering? Do baccalaureate degree disciplines differ between associate degree recipients with and without area concentration in Engineering, respectively? Do baccalaureate degree disciplines differ among associate degree recipients with Engineering concentration? We focus on Applied/Technical and Arts/Science degree comparisons.

Classification of associate degree types: Engineering In mapping the pathways from associate degree types to baccalaureate degrees in Engineering, we combine the associate degrees to obtain the following classifications. Combined group: (Associate of Applied Science + Associate of Technical Studies) – Engineering concentration Combined group: (Associate of Applied Science + Associate of Technical Studies) – Non-Engineering concentration Combined group: (Associate of Arts + Associate of Science) – Engineering concentration Combined group: (Associate of Arts + Associate of Science) – Non- Engineering concentration

What subjects fall under Engineering? A total of 70 distinct CIP codes (Classification of Instructional Programs from the National Center on Education Statistics, NCES) were used to identify Engineering concentration among Associate degree recipients. However, only 97 Associate degree recipients were found to have engineering concentrations. The following is a list of the programs, and the number of associate degree recipients in each program. 1. Electrical, Electronics, and Communications Engineering: 22 2. Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering: 13. 3. Computer Engineering: 10 4. Other Engineering: 52 Engineering, General (37), Engineering, other (14), and Systems Engineering (1).

Progression from associate to baccalaureate degrees: Classifications for the Engineering pathway Associate of Applied Science + Technical Studies: Engineering Concentration Associate of Applied Science + Technical Studies: Non-Engineering Concentration Associate of Arts + Science: Engineering Concentration Number of Associate degree recipients 70 11,571 27 3,193 Enrolled in Ohio public four-year institutions 22 2,553 19 1,550 Rate of enrollment 31.4% 22.1% 70.4% 48.5% Received baccalaureate degrees 15 1,310 14 1,081 Rate of graduation (of enrolled individuals) 68.2% 51.3% 73.7% 69.7%

AA: Associate of Arts; AS: Associate of Science. Progression from associate to baccalaureate degrees: Classifications for the Engineering pathway All Associate Degrees N: 14,861 AAS + ATS: Engn. Conc. N=70 Enrl. Num & Rate: 22 (31.4%) Grad. Num & Rate: 15 (68.2%) Non-Engn. Conc. N=11,571 2,553 (22.1%) 1,310 (51.3%) AA + AS: N=27 19 (70.4%) 14 (73.7%) N=3,193 1,550 (48.5%) 1,081 (69.7%) AAS: Associate of Applied Science; ATS: Associate of Technical Studies; AA: Associate of Arts; AS: Associate of Science.

Distribution of baccalaureate degree disciplines: Classifications for the Engineering pathway Associate of Applied Science + Technical Studies: Engineering Concentration Associate of Applied Science + Technical Studies: Non-Engineering Concentration Associate of Arts + Science: Engineering Concentration: Associate of Arts + Science: Non-Engineering Concentration Arts & Humanities 1 61 211 Business 173 179 Education 48 75 Engineering 5 13 54 Engineering Tech. 4 83 6 Health 583 105 Natural Science & Mathematics 117 130 Services 96 26 Social & Behavioral Sci. 98 292 Total number of degrees* 15 1,310 14 1,081

Associate degree conc.: Distribution of baccalaureate degree disciplines: Associate of applied science & technical studies Engineering concentration Associate degree conc.: Electrical, Electronics, and Comm. Engineering: 6 Mechanical, Industrial, Manf. Engn.: 3 Computer Engineering: 3 Other Engineering: 10 N=1 N=1

Distribution of baccalaureate degree disciplines: Associate of applied science & technical studies – Non-Engineering concentration N=583 N=117 N=96 N=98 N=83 N=48

Distribution of baccalaureate degree disciplines: Associate of arts & associate of science Engineering concentration

Distribution of baccalaureate degree disciplines: Associate of arts & associate of science Non-Engineering concentration N=6 Total number of baccalaureate degrees: 1,081

What did we learn? Large majorities of associate degrees granted by two-year institutions are Applied/Technical in nature. Of the 14,967 associate degrees granted in 2009-10 for example, 77.8% were Applied/Technical; Arts & Science degrees accounted 21.5%. In recent years, Applied/Technical shares have fallen to approximately 70.0%. Overall, the number of associate degree recipients who went on to receive baccalaureate degrees in Engineering is modest; 120 students received such degrees. Interestingly, among baccalaureate degree recipients in Engineering, those with Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degrees (without Engineering concentration) are the largest in number – 54; followed by those receiving Applied/Technical degrees but without Engineering concentration (48). As a group, Associate of Arts and Science degree recipients with Engineering concentration have the highest proportion of baccalaureate degrees in Engineering – 13 out of 14 baccalaureate degree recipients (92.9%).