Revision of EU Report on CRMs


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Presentation transcript:

Revision of EU Report on CRMs Refined methodology used in 2010 (economic importance, poor governance, environmental country risk) Updated list of CRMs : from 14 to 20 Summary fiches on CRMs (updated background data, criteria for criticality assessment, supply and demand statistics etc…) The regulatory risk has not been identified as a supply risk, but the report states that REACH have an indirect influence on criticality + identified CRMs under REACH authorization/restriction procedures Final report to be adopted on 15 November 2013 Next Steps. How to translate into policy ? Properties of BeST 2012 ®

Defence and security sector Communication, Towards a more competitive and efficient defence and security sector (July 2013) Specific importance of raw materials to Europe’s defence sector EC will now screen raw materials that are critical for the defence sector within the context of the EU’s overall raw materials strategy and prepare, if necessary, targeted policy actions. Properties of BeST 2012 ®

Regulatory initiatives impacting beryllium REACH Evaluation - Authorization – Restriction Restriction of Hazardous Substances in EEE (RoHS Directive) Occupational Exposure Limits (EU) Occupational Exposure Limits (MSs) Buying Green! EU Green Public Procurement Criteria (e.g. in health care sector with SEMco - Swedish Environmental Management Council) Properties of BeST 2012 ®

Discussion on future cooperation (1) Creation of specific network for CRMs: CritiCS, Criti-NET, CRMs’ Club, the CRM Coalition, the Foundation of CRMs… Network to be the first point of entry on CRMs for EU and National authorities Collect data on CRMs to better assess the economic impact of regulatory initiatives on our industry Publications Adopt and publish position papers on issues of common interest Identify and monitor projects on substitution Select and submit projects for future EU funding (EIP-RM, next EU framework programme Horizon 2020) Properties of BeST 2012 ®

Discussion on future cooperation – Actions needed now (2) Common position paper on EU Report on CRMs (too late) Include a reference to criticality and transparency at the earliest stage of legislatives procedures (e.g. at RMO stage for REACH) Support creation of working group on CRMs with ECHA Properties of BeST 2012 ®

Discussion on future cooperation (3) Secretariat : BeST or ? Budget for human resources : 1 person full time + involvement of Members Budget for events (3-4 / year) and communication tools (newsletter, website etc…) 1 monthly conference call – 2 meetings / year Properties of BeST 2012 ®

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