RDA Big Data Infrastructure WG Wo Chang, NIST wchang@nist.gov Sept. 22, 2014
NIST Reference Architecture RA Diagram RDA P4 at Amsterdam, Wo Chang, NIST/ITL, Sept.22, 2014
RDA Big Data Activities - I G Analytics Processing High-level Programming Data Flow Distributed Database API Language Binding Runtime Metadata Video Data Distributed Filesystem B D I - W G Dynamic Cluster 3 RDA P4 at Amsterdam, Wo Chang, NIST/ITL, Sept.22, 2014
BDA-WG: FingerPrint Implementation UC 4 RDA P4 at Amsterdam, Wo Chang, NIST/ITL, Sept.22, 2014
ISO/IEC JTC 1 Study Group on Big Data Terms and References: Survey the existing ICT landscape for key technologies and relevant standards/models/studies/use cases and scenarios for Big Data from JTC 1, ISO, IEC and other standards setting organizations Identify key terms and definitions commonly used in the area of Big Data Assess the current status of Big Data standardization market requirements, identify standards gaps, and propose standardization priorities to serve as a basis for future JTC 1 work Provide a report with recommendations and other potential deliverables to the 2014 JTC1 Plenary Focus Areas: Big Data Architecture / Infrastructure Big Data Security & Privacy Big Data Analytics Big Data Applications & Tools Big Data Management Meetings (3 face-to-face + 2 teleconferences): Format – 4 days (2 days workshop + 2 day meetings) March – U.S. May – Europe June – Asia September Meeting – finalized report to JTC 1 Additional Notes: Workshop papers will go into NIST Special Publication High-quality papers will publish in ACM Conference Proceedings RDA P4 at Amsterdam, Wo Chang, NIST/ITL, Sept.22, 2014
ISO/IEC JTC 1 Study Group on Big Data Current Activities: Meetings 1st Meeting: March 18 – 21, San Diego Supercomputer Center, San Diego, US 2nd Meeting: May 13 – 16, 2014, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Netherlands 3rd Meeting: June 16 – 19, 2014, University of Beihang, Beijing, China 4th Meeting: Sept. 2 – 3, Huawei, Reading, UK National Bodies – 15 National Bodies: Austria, Australia, China, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Korea, Netherlands, Russia, Spain, Singapore, UK, US. Activities 2-day Workshop – Survey Big Data landscape 2-day Standards Meeting – identify potential Big Data standards Deliverable: Provide a report with recommendations and other potential deliverables to the 2014 JTC1 Plenary (Done) Final Report: http://jtc1bigdatasg.nist.gov/DocsListing.php N0095 RDA P4 at Amsterdam, Wo Chang, NIST/ITL, Sept.22, 2014
Overall Activities
IEEE Big Data Conference, Oct. 27 -30, 2014 Industry and Government Workshop: Big Data: Challenges, Practices and Technologies Washington D.C. USA, Oct. 27, 2014 Big Data Consortia/Standards and Community/Government Initiatives 4 Panels: State of Technology Technology and Practice Collaboration Security and Privacy RDA P4 at Amsterdam, Wo Chang, NIST/ITL, Sept.22, 2014