Date of download: 12/29/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: Performance Enhancements and Validations of a Generic Ocean-Wave Energy Extractor J. Offshore Mech. Arct. Eng. 2013;135(4):041101-041101-10. doi:10.1115/1.4024150 Figure Legend: Vortex-blob patterns from FSRVM [18] for prescribed heave oscillation: a comparison between 2D RB and FB shapes: red and green crosses represent clockwise and counterclock-wise vorticity, respectively. Simulation parameters are comparable to the 3D geometry, (see Fig. 2): (d/B) = 2.24, A3 = 6 in, σ=3.65 rad/s. The hydrodynamic coefficients μ33 and λT for each shape are shown in the upper left corner of each plot. Note: B is the two-dimensional beam, which is the same value as the three-dimensional diameter, D.