T_C_N_L_G_ E D I D I E O Y O H I E B J I R E A A W
How do you install the program? Go to the Shared drive and click on the Turning point folder. You can also go to the Turning Technologies web site located at http://www.turningtechnologies.com. Click the Download button to the right of the screen and select the Turning Point link. Complete the download request form and click Submit. Select the Turning Point link on the next page and save the file to your computer. When the download is complete, double-click the setup icon to launch the Install Shield Wizard. Double click on icon and follow Install Wizard to download the program. When you have loaded the program, choose run Turning Point, this will open up a new Power Point slide so you are ready to begin your participant list.
Creating a Participant List in Turning Point 1. Click in the Turning Point 2008 tab at the top of the window. 2. Click on the Participant Icon on the Turning point toolbar and choose Participant List Wizard. 3. Next, a window will open allowing you to choose your template. Once you select your template click Next. 4. A window will open to choose what information you would like to display for your participants. Add or Remove the information you want to use and then click Next to continue. 5. You also have the option of adding demographic groups or teams to your participant list. Click Next.
Creating a Participant list continued… 6. Finally you need to save your participant list by choosing a unique name or using the default date and time. Click finish when complete. 7. Once you have created your participant list you need to enter the relevant information for your participants. Use the tab and enter keys to move through the fields. The menus in the top left corner allow you to save your participant list to an alternate location, edit your participant list, or import an existing list. Click Done when finished. 8. Now you can use this participant list on the right hand side of your screen under the drop down Participants list.
Setting up Response Devices Turning Point must be installed on the computer to be used for the presentations. You also must have the USB Response Device Receivers and Response Devices available for testing. To set up the response devices… 1.Connect the device receiver to the USB Port of the presentation computer. Connect the USB Response Device Receiver to your computer. Windows detects the receiver and installs the proper drivers. The device is now ready for use. 2. From the Turning Point Ribbon, select Tools > Settings. The Turning Point Settings window opens, displaying two tabs: Settings and Polling Test. 3. Select the Settings tab. The Settings tab displays a Settings Hierarchy in the left pane and the available settings in the right pane. Select Response Device from the Settings Hierarchy. 5. Settings for the Response Devices display in the right pane of the Settings window. Select All Settings to access additional settings. 7. Click Done. The response devices are ready for use. 6. Enter the number of expected devices. You are only required to enter the number of expected devices when using Simulated Data, a Response Counter, or Response Table. Turning Point limits the number of response devices that will be displayed in a Response Counter or on a Response Table based upon the number of participants in the participant list.
Creating a slide using Power Point in Turning Point Types of Slides To insert a slide into a presentation… 1 . Open Turning Point. 2. Open a presentation or create a new presentation. 3. Click Insert Slide on the Turning Point Ribbon. 4. Select the slide type from the Insert Slide menu. • Turning Point inserts the new slide into the presentation. • Depending on the type of slide selected, the new slide may contain question, answer, and chart regions. Chart Slides Competition Slides 5. Edit the text in the question region to reflect the question for the audience. 6. Edit the text in the answer region to reflect the choices the participants will have when responding to the question. • Enter up to ten answers in the answer region. • Repeat this procedure as many times as needed to create the interactive presentation. Don’t forget to save your presentations!! To save the presentation... Click the Office Button and select Save As Select a location to save the file and type a filename for the file in the space provided. Keep the .pptx extension in the filename to ensure that PowerPoint opens the presentation file. Click Save. Template Slides Special Slides