Algebra 1 Mr. Hochberg Day 7 Need to edit automaticity to make more editable. Edit Times, so they say: Total Time
Review (Do Now) 10 minutes Choose any 3 problems, raise your hand, repeat. 1) Graph (-3, 2) 2) Draw an Elevation vs Time graph for a person taking an elevator down. 3) Draw a number line from -5 to 5. If you start at -4 and go right 3 jumps, where do you end? 4) Graph the point (2,6) 5) Draw an Elevation vs time graph for a person jumping off a cliff 6) -4 + 3 = ? 7) Graph (4, 8) 8) Draw an elevation vs time graph for a person standing still on a desk. 9) -3 + 8 = ?
Automaticity (Fluency) 5 minutes Pick one column. Do as many problems as you can in 1 minute. Multiplication Facts Fractions to Decimals Fractions to Percents 4 x 2 8 1/2 0.5 50% 5 x 7 35 1/3 0.33 33% 9 x 3 27 2/3 0.66 66% 4 x 8 32 1/4 0.25 25% 4 x 11 44 2/4 10 x 7 70 3/4 0.75 75% 5 x 6 30 1/5 0.2 20% 9 x 7 63 2/5 0.4 40% 12 x 4 48 3/5 0.6 60% 6 x 8 4/5 0.8 80% Multiplication Facts Fractions to Decimals Fractions to Percents 4 x 2 1/2 5 x 7 1/3 9 x 3 2/3 4 x 8 1/4 4 x 11 2/4 10 x 7 3/4 5 x 6 1/5 9 x 7 2/5 12 x 4 3/5 6 x 8 4/5
Record Automaticity Results 1 minute
Agenda 10 seconds 25 minutes Opening Routine (Review, Automaticity, Good Things, Survey Says…, Objective) 10 minutes Review of Linear vs Quadratic Graphs 15 minutes Graphing Darryl’s story 5 minutes Brain Break 20 minutes Exploratory Challenge Closure (Objective Check, Shout Outs, Exit Ticket, Quote of the Day)
Good Things 2 minutes
Survey Says… 1 minute Shout Outs Period 1 Period 2: Period 3: Shout out to MaryAngeley for consistently killing the Review (Do Now) part of our lessons. Period 2: Shout out to Isaiah for participating even though he wasn’t sure he was right. Period 3: Shout out to Delonta’ for staying engaged with the material. Shout out to De’von for using growth mindset by trying a problem three times before getting it right.
Objective 1 minutes TURN AND TALK OBJECTIVE: SWBAT describe and create exponential graphs by collecting data on population growth and graphing it. TURN AND TALK What is today’s objective in your own words? How does it relate to what we have been doing? Is there any new vocabulary?
Agenda 10 seconds 25 minutes Opening Routine (Review, Automaticity, Good Things, Survey Says…, Objective) 10 minutes Review of Linear vs Quadratic Graphs 15 minutes Graphing Darryl’s story 5 minutes Brain Break 20 minutes Exploratory Challenge Closure (Objective Check, Shout Outs, Exit Ticket, Quote of the Day)
Review of Linear vs Quadratic 10 minutes I need four volunteers Two will be walking Two will be plotting points. TASK: Graph the following situation Team A Person is walking ONE step per second Team B Person walks one step in the 1st second, two steps in the 2nd second, etc.
Agenda 10 seconds 25 minutes Opening Routine (Review, Automaticity, Good Things, Survey Says…, Objective) 10 minutes Review of Linear vs Quadratic Graphs 15 minutes Graphing Darryl’s story 5 minutes Brain Break 20 minutes Exploratory Challenge Closure (Objective Check, Shout Outs, Exit Ticket, Quote of the Day)
Brain Break 4 minutes ANSWER: The letter “M”
Brain Break 4 minutes Are these lines straight? ANSWER: Yes!
Agenda 10 seconds 25 minutes Opening Routine (Review, Automaticity, Good Things, Survey Says…, Objective) 10 minutes Review of Linear vs Quadratic Graphs 15 minutes Graphing Darryl’s story 5 minutes Brain Break 20 minutes Exploratory Challenge Closure (Objective Check, Shout Outs, Exit Ticket, Quote of the Day)
Exploratory Challenge 20 minutes Watch this video and try to graph the population vs time.
Agenda 10 seconds 25 minutes Opening Routine (Review, Automaticity, Good Things, Survey Says…, Objective) 10 minutes Review of Linear vs Quadratic Graphs 15 minutes Graphing Darryl’s story 5 minutes Brain Break 20 minutes Exploratory Challenge Closure (Objective Check, Shout Outs, Exit Ticket, Quote of the Day)
Agenda 10 seconds 25 minutes Opening Routine (Review, Automaticity, Good Things, Survey Says…, Objective) 10 minutes Review of Linear vs Quadratic Graphs 15 minutes Graphing Darryl’s story 5 minutes Brain Break 20 minutes Exploratory Challenge Closure (Objective Check, Shout Outs, Exit Ticket, Quote of the Day)
Objective Check 1 minute OBJECTIVE: SWBAT describe and create exponential graphs by collecting data on population growth and graphing it. Whole Class Did we meet today’s objective?
Homework Review 2 minutes Take today’s homework Ask clarifying questions
Shout Outs 3 minutes Take one post it from your bin and write A positive shout out to another student OR A way you used growth mindset (GM) today Example 1: “Shout out to Brandon for helping me understand how to graph.” Example 2: “I used GM today by trying to solve without a calculator even though I always use a calculator.”
Exit Ticket 5 minutes Suponga que la población de bacterias se duplica cada hora. ¿Cuál de las siguientes tres tablas de datos, con "x" representando tiempo en horas y "y" el recuento de bacterias, podría representar la población de bacterias con respecto al tiempo? Para el elegido tabla de datos, trace la gráfica de esos datos. Etiquete los ejes apropiadamente con las unidades.
Quote of the Day 30 seconds Reflection This is what happens when I don’t spend a sufficient amount of time planning. I end up doing all of the talking. Need to take tasks and break them down into pieces they can do on their own. Also need to get them moving around. Need to add a slide for Darryl’s Story – forgot that piece. Review of having students move (to determine what changes with speed was decent, not perfect. Exploratory tasks needs to let students be independent. Has to be a video they can manipulate on their own. Not something on the board! Ah today was frustrating… CUB (Circle, underline, box) was pretty effective first period (for Darryl’s story) s.