Symbolism IV Symbolic Shapes, Flags, Names, and Colors by Don L. F. Nilsen and Alleen Pace Nilsen
Opposing Visual Symbolism: People with Their Heads in the Sand about Global Warming vs. The Reverse of Global Warming
International Symbols
Place Names
Shape Symbolism
The Union Jack: England (St. George Cross) & Scotland (St The Union Jack: England (St. George Cross) & Scotland (St. Andrews blue)
Australian & New Zealand Ontario & British Columbia
Fleur de Lis: France Quebec & New Orleans Saints (Drew Brees)
Confederate Flag and Confederate Battle Flag
Flags of the Confederate States: South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia Arkansas, North Carolina, Tennessee
Controversy Over Removal of the Confederate Flag
Recycled Names
More Recycled Names
Martin Luther & Martin Luther King
Theodore Seuss Geisel Pen Names: Dr. Seuss, Theo LeSieg & Rosetta Stone
Mohammad (no picture available) & Mohammad Ali
Edgar Alan Poe lived, died and wrote most of his poetry in Baltimore, Maryland
Donatello, Raphael, Leonardo and Michelangelo
Super Heros: Superman, Batman, Iron Man, Spiderman, Wonder Woman & Captain America
Super Villains: Lord Voldemort, Darth Vader & The Joker
Color Symbolism
Orange is the New Black
The Greening of America and ASU Parking Lot
Motley Color Symbolism for the Clown
Color & Facial-Expression Symbolism in the Pixar Movie Inside Out
The “White” House Gay-Pride Colors