Opening Prayer St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School


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Presentation transcript:

Opening Prayer St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School Leader: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit All: Amen Leader: Come, Holy Spirit, penetrate into our hearts All: and kindle within us the fire of your love. Leader: Send forth your Spirit and new Life will be created All: and You will renew the face of the earth. All: Our Father… All: Hail Mary... All: Glory be… St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School 6th July 2015

St Vincent de Paul Society Welcome to the SVP Family! St Vincent de Paul Society St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School 6th July 2015

Blessed Frédéric Ozanam Meet our Founders! Blessed Frédéric Ozanam Founder of the SVP 1813 - 1853 St Vincent de Paul Patron of the Society 1581 – 1660 Blessed Rosalie Rendu 1786 - 1856 St Louise de Marrillac 1591 - 1660 St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School 6th July 2015

Be part of our Mission! We turn Concern into Action We are inspired by Christ’s message to love our neighbour as ourselves Our Mission is to seek and find those in need, to help them in a spirit of justice and to tackle the causes of poverty where we can. Good Samaritan by Joseph F. Brickey. ©2015. Used by permission. St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School 6th July 2015

go into action to help others Be part of our Mission! see think do concern action who needs help how can I help go into action to help others St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School 6th July 2015

‘See, Think and Do’ with Mini Vinnies! We help others inside our school by… Making friends with a new person in school Asking if someone would like help Making someone’s birthday extra special Saying STOP to bullying Tidying up the classroom Holding the door open for people Helping a teacher carry some books St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School 6th July 2015

Visiting the elderly at a care home ‘See, Think and Do’ with Mini Vinnies! We help others outside our school by… Visiting the elderly at a care home Supporting SVP Community shops Making cards Collecting donations for local shelters and food banks Helping the homeless Helping at local hearing impaired services Singing Christmas Carols St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School 6th July 2015

Why become a Mini Vinnie? “Love one another as I have loved you” ~ Jn 13:34-35 “Go, do not be afraid, and serve” ~ Pope Francis Where does Jesus send us? There are no borders, no limits: He sends us to everyone! Will you reach out and help to make the world a better place? St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School 6th July 2015

Become a Mini Vinnie! Mini Vinnies puts the word of God into action Mini Vinnies use prayer as worship in all meetings and all that they do Mini Vinnies bear witness to the word of God by seeking and finding those in need Mini Vinnies is about welcoming those who are forgotten Mini Vinnies put the welfare of others as priority St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School 6th July 2015

Become a Mini Vinnie! How does it work? Conferences Roles President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Communications Officer, Member Meetings Activities St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School 6th July 2015

Closing Prayer (Mini Vinnies Prayer) Lord, thank you for our gifts and talents. Lord, show us who needs our help. Lord, use our hands to help those who are hungry. Lord, open our hearts to love and comfort those who are sad and lonely. Lord, let us share our time, gifts and talents with those in need. Lord, help us to care for the sick. Lord, may we all help and support each other as Mini Vinnies to build a better world. Amen St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School 6th July 2015

Mini Vinnies Song Sharing our time with people in need Sick to care for, or hungry to feed Seeing the face of Jesus in all Now we must follow as we hear his call. Chorus Mini Vinnies (clap x3), Mini Vinnies (clap x 3), we’re here to care You know (clap x3), that we (clap x3), will always be there Building a better world for us all Making a difference big and small. Sharing ourselves with Christ in our minds Spreading his message by just being kind. Doing our best each and every day. Jesus is always guiding our way. Chorus St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School 6th July 2015

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