Ivybridge Mathematics Department Misconceptions in Division and Proportional Reasoning Research Project
If you carry on doing what you’re doing, you’ll carry on getting what you’re getting.
Research Models Traditional Departmental Individual Accredited Time Commitment Substantial written report. Departmental Team Based Non-accredited Manageable Feedback via presentations
Aims of the project Assess the level of understanding of this topic especially amongst middle ability students. Address misconceptions by teaching a series of lessons focussing on proportional relationships within division. Encourage team teaching, collaborative planning and mutual observation within the department.
Mode of Work Video Questionnaire Analyse results from initial questionnaire Meet as team to discuss findings and consider teaching Teach Lessons Analyse effectiveness of lessons.
Recent Research Thinking Skills Project Division Project. Initial team meeting. Plan a lesson. Mutual observations. Observer teach lesson. Questionnaire for students. Division Project. Video footage. Discussion with students. Students’ questionnaire. Analyse. Team meeting. Teach lessons Questionnaire and analysis.