Human Resources Policy for the Recruitment, Selection, Appointment and Related Matters of Permanent Employees on Levels P18 – P5
Preamble To ensure effective and efficient human resource practices in identifying, recruiting and selecting talent and at the same time, promoting fairness and equal opportunities for all
Purpose The purpose of the policy is to : Ensure that Unisa recruits, selects and appoints Comply with provisions of probation and confirmation of permanent appointment of employees Effect acting appointments Effect secondments and Effect transfers and placement of employees
Recruitment Recruitment Methods: Advertisng Funded vacancy, approved job description Application to advertise Line manager to confirm vacancy and funds - signed off by ED P7 and above are advertised internally and externally P8 and below are adverised internally Headhunting If it proves difficult to recruit suitably qualified candidates by means of normal recruitment process
i- Recruitment Recruitment is conducted by means of an electronic system to invite prospective candidates to apply on-line for such positions Paperless On-line screening and shortlisting
Selection Constitution of the Panel/ Committee Utmost confidentiality of total selection process Applications not in compliance are rejected - late, incorrect, incomplete Appropriate assessment methods - (approval ED:HR) Structured interviews Presentations Psychometric assessments If selection process is contaminated, process is conducted de novo and new SC constituted
Function of HR representative Compiles advertisement in conjuction with line management and OD Renders administrative support Records & pre screens applications Schedules short listing & interviews Performs credential verification & reference checks Administers additional assessments Completes interview/assessment score sheet Compiles selection report Acts throughout selection process in an advisory capacity to ensure compliance to policy and procedures
Verification of credentials & references Purpose is to determine aspects that may inhibit a candidate to perform effectively in the advertised position References - Current managers & previous employers of all recommended candidate(s) Credential verification (recommended candidates) qualifications - MIE/SAQA identification, including confirmation of citizenship membership of professional bodies where applicable driver’s licence, if required
Responsibilities of Chairperson The Chairperson - Convenes meetings in accordance with policy & procedure Determines level of representivity according to relevant EE profile Ensures that selection/evaluation is performed in a fair & just manner according to core functions and requirements of the position Endeavours to get consensus amongst SC members Ensures that evaluations & recommendations are recorded correctly Signs selection report
Recommendations SC recommends preferred & alternative candidate/s Reasons for recommendations are recorded VP’s/ED support the recommendation if not part of SC Recommendations are submitted to HR Upon request provide reasons to unsuccessful candidates
Appointment An appointment may not be effected on a level not advertised No offer verbal or otherwise before written approval Offer not accepted the position is offered to next most suitable candidate or re-advertised Request for an improved salary offer is referred to Remuneration & Administration – MANREM Committee HR informs relevant Line Manager of an appointment Appointments are made from the 1st day of a month No documents may be destroyed and are disposed off in accordance with the Record Management Policy
Appointment (cont) Foreigners/ foreign nationals may only be appointed if no suitable SA citizen could be recruited after a diligent search for critical skills with the view to transfer skills Comprehensive motivation is required Appointment requires - A valid working visa endorsed to obtained employment at Unisa Foreign qualifications evaluated by SAQA Prospective employee is responsible to obtain valid visa and SAQA evaluation Requirements for appointment – according to job requirements and specifications
Retaining of an Academic Title Internal candidate (Prof) who is appointed in a non academic/management position automatically retains his/her full professor title External candidate (Prof) – has to apply for retention of the title
Probation Purpose of probation is to provide employee with job description, adequate instruction, training, guidance, counseling and feedback to enable employee to perform on required standard Period of probation 6 months Evaluations should be done before expiring of 6 months – no late evaluations Integrated Performance Management System utilised by Departmental Committee to evaluate performance An employee has to at least obtain satisfactory performance rating Satisfactory performance rating, permanent appointment is confirmed
Probation (cont) Non satisfactory performance rating Permanent appointment is not confirmed Probation period may be extended for 6 months If an employee does not meet the required standard the employee has the opportunity to state the cause or reasons for non peformance Interventions to improve performance must be developed Proper record keeping by manager Documents are filed on personal file
Acting appointments Application for acting appointment by means of the prescribed form and CV Acting appointments must be duly motivated and applied for prior to the start date and no employee may act or commences with duties without prior approval No acting appointment will be back dated May act in higher grade or same grade position Acting may not exceeding one year
Acting appointments Employee has to accept/deny acting appointment in writing Acting appointment letter is issued Upon acceptance by the recommended candidate, HR Practitioner captures the acting appointment on system and submit copy to Finance Dept Acting allowance is payable for acting of one month and longer No acting for recess period during December
Secondments Application for secondment by means of the prescribed form Secondments must be duly motivated and applied for prior to the start and no employee may be seconded or commences with duties without prior approval Period of secondment: maximum one year After secondment revert back to substantive position
Secondments Employee has to accept/deny secondment in writing Secondment letter is issued Secondment letter and acceptance are captured on the system Secondment allowance is payable for secondment on a higher level
Transfers An employee may apply for a transfer from one position to another via line manager Applications should be duly motivated containing full particulars of employee and supporting documents A vacant post should be available An employee maybe transferred to lower job grade Vacant position (to be transferred to) should at least meet 60% of requirements of the current position Recommendation/endorsement by the releasing Manager An interview is conducted by the receiving Manager to determine suitability to function in vacancy
Transfers (cont) Application for a transfer is endorsed by the receiving and releasing ED Transfer takes place after suitable notice period Transfer is considered and approved by VP:Operations Receiving manager informs HR in writing of effective date of transfer HR up date transfer on system
Implementation Monitoring, evaluation and review by HR Replaces previous procedures/guidelines Implementation date – 1st day of month following approval