Update on PED Research Lisa Becton, DVM, MS, DACVPM Dir. Swine Health Information & Research National Pork Board
PED Initial Events PEDV was confirmed in the US on May 16 th, 2013 by diagnostic tests at the USDA National Veterinary Services Laboratory (NVSL) in Ames, IA – Found in multiple farms simultaneously and then additional farms diagnosed positive potentially from lateral spread Coordinated effort by all key stakeholders to understand where PEDV was/is occurring and how to best manage it: – United States Department of Agriculture (multiple divisions) – State Animal Health Organization representatives (SAHO) – National Pork Board (NPB) – National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) – American Association of Swine Veterinarians (AASV)
Current Status of PED PED continues to be a major health challenge for U.S. producers into 2014 Since it was first diagnosed in May of 2013, there have been a total of >4700 cases reported: – CASE reports are different than SITE reports. – 28 states (VT just diagnosed first positive case) – Data can be found at
National Pork Board Focus Research focus - New virus therefore needed research on PEDv and impact for US producers Development and communication of producer information/resources Containment/management strategies – Work with USDA/stakeholders and develop next steps for emerging disease response – Rapid Response Team pilot/Surveillance activities
PED Research Efforts
Development of Research Priorities *Swine Health Committee – producers, veterinarians, advisors (university, government, industry) PED Strategic Task Force Input from AASV and NPPC membership State Pork Associations input
PEDV Research Priorities Initial Research Priorities: Needed to get answers quickly! (<6months) Basic understanding of the characteristics and pathogenesis of PEDV Development & validation of diagnostic tests (antigen and antibody) Environmental stability on various surfaces and substrates and effectiveness of sanitation efforts Epidemiology of the disease Funded 8 proposals early June for 2013 – basics research for PEDV 7
PEDV Research for Fall 2013 Sow immunity was high priority for the fall call and the Committee funded 3 proposals addressing multiple aspects of sow immunity: – Duration of immunity; Optimizing feedback protocols; Diagnostic tests to assess sow and piglet immunity to PEDV Additional areas of focus for fall 2013: – Assessment of feed as a source of viable/infective virus For 2013, the Board approved >$1,000,000 for PEDV research
PEDV Research Funded for 2014 For the Spring call for proposals, the Committee selected projects for funding focusing on: – Validation of new diagnostic tests – Continuation of a surveillance project to monitor incidence and track transmission – Assessment of efficacy of disinfectant to denature proteins and provide negative PCR result Approximately $150,000 spent for 2014 so far
PEDV Research For 2014 The Board approved an additional $650,000 for use for PEDV research, communications and outreach for 2014 March 19 th : Feed Consortium meeting in Iowa to discuss immediate needs for feed research; collaboration and $$ support by feed industry Collaboration and $$ leverage with Genome Alberta $500K on research priority needs and focused RFP for PEDV
PEDV Feed RFP 2014 Conduct feed or feedstuff contamination risk assessments at all steps within the feed processing and delivery chain. Risk assessment should include potential role of vectors (i.e. birds) or fomites and development of best manufacturing and/or management practices to prevent feed contamination with PEDV/SdCV. Demonstrate virus survivability in feed and feed ingredients to include the following variables: feed and feed components, storage time and temperature, processing procedure and time (meal or pellet), and moisture content. Conditions investigated should be representative of industry processes. To allow for the most efficient use of checkoff funds we encourage investigating other viruses important to the industry in the same study (i.e. PRRS, TGE, Rotavirus, etc.).
PEDV Feed RFP 2014 Investigate effectiveness and cost of feed or feed ingredient treatments that could be used to mitigate viral survival. Develop a viral dose-infection curve showing viral dose by time and by temperature for both pelleted and milled feed. Develop diagnostic procedures for determining potential live virus contamination of feed or feedstuffs.
PEDV Feed RFP 2014 Proposals due April 2 nd, 2014 Swine Health Committee will review and select proposals April 4 th, 2014.
Additional PEDV/SdCV Research SdCV assessment for research needs – Working with diagnostic labs on immediate needs for research: pathogenesis, diagnosis etc. PEDV research RFP – finalized to be posted April 15 th with proposals due April 22 nd. – Working with Genome Alberta on priorities and funding resources
PEDV Research Information and updates on funded projects available at
PEDV Communications Outreach News Releases PEDV Update Newsletter Pork Insider Pork Leader Research Review Pork Checkoff Report Magazine, Newsletter NAFB Radio Reports; PorkPod Total Recipients (minus radio) = 434,811
Communication of Research Results (All research information is posted at ) Wanted to provide producers with as close to real time results as possible Utilized PEDV specific site for all information Research updates available bi-weekly until project completion
Development of Producer Resources Objective: Put together the best people possible to provide recommendations to address PED biosecurity and biocontainment; develop key areas of focus PED Strategic Task Force – Review, advise, guide – Urgency PED Working Groups NPB Staff Communications Collaborative efforts – NPB/NPPC/AASV/SAHO/etc.: target respective audiences
19 PED Transportation Guidelines
20 PEDV Manure Hauling Guidelines
Other PEDV Resources Recommendations available for: – Exhibit Organizer Biosecurity – Exhibitor Biosecurity – Positive in Breeding Herd – Positive in Nursery/Grow-Finish – Line of Separation – Create Clean Crossing – Additional resources…
Summary PEDV and SdCV are emerging diseases of swine that have proven to be very costly to producers Cooperation and collaboration between all sectors of industry and government is a must Need to continue to focus efforts for collaboration and cooperation on key research questions for disease management and control
Thank you!