Introduction e-Pathology is a form of digital pathology and visualizing histological method for diagnosis with wide ranging applications and benefits including effective training / education methods for medical students, reduction in lab costs, increased workflow efficiency, greater interconnectivity and improved decision making enabling enhanced patient care. The result is that Digital Pathology is rapidly gaining momentum worldwide.
Novelty of Innovation Regarding Education :e-Pathology is an effective training and education method for medical undergraduate and postgraduate students and can set Pathology teaching to a new level. The virtual slides can be viewed from computer screens, tablets or mobile phones in small group teaching and /or large multi touch screens or walls ideal for large scale student teaching. Allowing students to work from home or any location and can perform interactive study by using Android phone, iphone or iPad .
Can provide a large storage space for virtual slides, specimens and documents for clinical cases. Digital Pathology greatly facilitates the sharing of cases so that the right case is seen by the right Pathologist with expertise in that area .This translate to better patient outcome through better accuracy and reproducible diagnoses with the aid of computer assisted tools. Useful for collaboration research projects including cancer research, local or global, that need to store, share and analyse hundreds or thousands of whole slide images.
Commercial value and potential This is the first Pathology educational aid for under and post graduate medical students. By design these, e pathology study hit the highlights of pathological problems. By using them students can refresh concepts and can seek knowledge which are so much out there to learn.It can replace highly cost digital software in image analysis and has high commercial potential by using virtual pathology slides via internet or CD-ROM.