Decimals Lesson 1
Times tables Bingo Draw the grid on your whiteboards and write in 6 answers to your 10 times tables. Miss will call out questions and cross off the answers you have written. The winner is the first person with all their numbers crossed out. 40 20 60 50 110
L.O.: To Calculate Mentally
Decimals Multiplying and Dividing by 10 and 100 Lesson 2 Decimals Multiplying and Dividing by 10 and 100
L.O.: To multiply numbers by 10 and 100.
L.O.:To multiply and divide numbers with up to 2 decimal places by 10 and 100 I can multiply and divide by 10. I can multiply and divide by 100. I can multiply and divide decimals by 10 and 100.
I can multiply by 10 Ten thousand 10.000’s thousands 1,000’s Hundreds 100’s Tens 10’s Units 1’s d.p. Tenths 1/10’s Hundredths 1/100’s Left X10 2 5 When we multiply by 10 all the numbers drive one column to the left. They each get bigger by a factor of 10. The decimal place doesn’t move!
Ten thousand 10.000’s thousands 1,000’s Hundreds 100’s Tens 10’s Units 1’s d.p. Tenths 1/10’s Hundredths 1/100’s I can multiply by 10 Left X10 2 5 X10 2 5 25 X 10 = 250 When we multiply by 10 all the numbers drive one column to the left. The each get bigger by a factor of 10. The decimal place doesn’t move!
I can multiply by 100 thousands 1,000’s Hundreds 100’s Tens 10’s Units 1’s d.p. Tenths 1/10’s Hundredths 1/100’s Thousandths 1/10000’s Left X10 2 5 When we multiply by 100 all the numbers drive two columns to the left. They each get bigger by a factor of 100. The decimal place doesn’t move!
thousands 1,000’s Hundreds 100’s Tens 10’s Units 1’s d.p. Tenths 1/10’s Hundredths 1/100’s Thousandths 1/10000’s Left X10 2 5 X10 2 5 25 X 100 = 2,500 When we multiply by 100 all the numbers drive two columns to the left. They each get bigger by a factor of 100. The decimal place doesn’t move! I can multiply by 100
I can multiply a number containing decimal places by 10 Left 1,000 100 Tens 10 Units 1 d.p. Tenths 1/10’s Hundreths 1/ 100’s Thousandths Tens of thousandths 10,000 100,000 I can multiply a number containing decimal places by 10 2 5 When we multiply by 10 all the numbers drive one column to the left. They each get bigger by a factor of 10. The decimal place doesn’t move!
I can multiply a number containing decimal places by 10 Left 1,000 100 Tens 10 Units 1 d.p. Tenths 1/10’s Hundreths 1/ 100’s Thousandths Tens of thousandths 10,000 100,000 I can multiply a number containing decimal places by 10 2 5 2 5 0.25 X 10 = 2.5 When we multiply by 10 all the numbers drive one column to the left. They each get bigger by a factor of 10. The decimal place doesn’t move!
I can multiply a number containing decimal places by 100 Left 1,000 100 Tens 10 Units 1 d.p. Tenths 1/10’s Hundreths 1/ 100’s Thousandths Tens of thousandths 10,000 100,000 2 5 I can multiply a number containing decimal places by 100 When we multiply by 100 all the numbers drive two columns to the left. They each get bigger by a factor of 100 The decimal place doesn’t move!
I can multiply a number containing decimal places by 100 Left 1,000 100 Tens 10 Units 1 d.p. Tenths 1/10’s Hundreths 1/ 100’s Thousandths Tens of thousandths 10,000 100,000 2 5 I can multiply a number containing decimal places by 100 2 5 0.25 X 100 = 25 When we multiply by 100 all the numbers drive two columns to the left. They each get bigger by a factor of 100 The decimal place doesn’t move!
right Thousand 1000 Hundred 100 Ten 10 Units 1’s d.p. Tenths 1/10’s Hundreths 1/100 1/1000 1/10000 1/100000 Divide By 10 6 1 3 I can divide by 10 When we divide by 10 all the numbers drive one column to the right. They each get smaller by a factor of 10. The decimal place doesn’t move!
right Thousand 1000 Hundred 100 Ten 10 Units 1’s d.p. Tenths 1/10’s Hundreths 1/100 1/1000 1/10000 1/100000 Divide By 10 6 1 3 Divide By 10 6 1 3 I can divide by 10 310.6 divided by 10 =31.06 When we divide by 10 all the numbers drive one column to the right. They each get smaller by a factor of 10. The decimal place doesn’t move!
right Thousand 1000 Hundred 100 Ten 10 Units 1’s d.p. Tenths 1/10’s Hundreths 1/100 1/1000 1/10000 1/100000 Divide By 10 6 1 3 I can divide by 100 When we divide by 100 all the numbers drive two columns to the right. They each get smaller by a factor of 100. The decimal place doesn’t move!
right Thousand 1000 Hundred 100 Ten 10 Units 1’s d.p. Tenths 1/10’s Hundreths 1/100 1/1000 1/10000 1/100000 Divide By 10 6 1 3 Divide By 10 6 1 3 I can divide by 100 310.6 divided by 100 = 3.106 When we divide by 100 all the numbers drive two columns to the right. They each get smaller by a factor of 100. The decimal place doesn’t move!
Try these on your whiteboard 1.2x10= 0.5÷10 = 0.35x100= 47÷100= Use the place value grids to help you.
1000 th 100 h 10 t 1 u dp 1/10 1/100 1/1000 .
L.O.:To multiply and divide numbers with up to 2 decimal places by 10 and 100 Practice multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100 on your worksheets. Use the place value grids to help you.
L.O.:To multiply and divide numbers with up to 2 decimal places by 10 and 100 FIZZBUZZ: Stand up and take turns saying the next number from 1 to 100. But, if the number is a multiple of 10, say "Fizz" if it is a multiple of 2, say "Buzz", and if it is a multiple of both 10 and 2, say "Fizzbuzz"
Lesson 3 Decimals
L.O.: To round decimal numbers to the nearest whole number Look at the numbers on the whiteboard. Stretch your arms up if you should round up. Crouch down on the floor if you round down.
L.O.: To round decimal numbers to the nearest whole number 1.1
L.O.: To round decimal numbers to the nearest whole number 7.6
L.O.: To round decimal numbers to the nearest whole number 4.23
L.O.: To round decimal numbers to the nearest whole number 8.95
L.O.: To round decimal numbers to the nearest whole number 5.57
L.O.: To round decimal numbers to the nearest whole number 7.99
L.O.: To round decimal numbers to the nearest whole number 3.14
L.O.: To round decimal numbers to the nearest whole number 9.05
L.O.: To round decimal numbers to the nearest whole number 6.28
L.O.: To round decimal numbers to the nearest whole number 7.54
L.O.: To round decimals to the nearest whole number I can round whole numbers. I can round 1 place decimals to the nearest whole number. I can round 1 and 2 place decimals to the nearest whole number.
We can estimate (take a good guess) the answer What is rounding? Sometimes we want to add numbers in our head but the numbers are a bit tricky. We can estimate (take a good guess) the answer
Up or Down Does the number end in… Round down 1, 2, 3, 4 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Round up
Lets look at a number line… Where do these numbers go? 64 21 39 83
Let’s take a closer look… 21 Is 21 closer to 20 or 30? Does it end in 1, 2, 3 or 4?
Round down!
Another close look… Is 39 closer to 30 or 40? Does it end in 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9?
Round up!
Another close look… Is 64 closer to 60 or 70? Does it end in 1, 2, 3 or 4?
Round down!
Another close look… Is 83 closer to 80 or 90? Does it end in 1, 2, 3 or 4?
Round down!
Your turn Use your whiteboard Draw an arrow on it Show me… Round up Round down
Round down!
Round up!
Round up!
Round down!
Well Done!
L.O.: To round decimals to the nearest whole number Round the different numbers on your worksheets. Use a number line to help you with the first ones.
Lesson 4 Investigation
Times table test
Colour the decimals Colour in the different squares on your grids. Fill in the table writing what decimal each colour is.
L.O.: To recognise and write decimals Colour Squares Decimal Red 10 0.1 Blue 32 0.32 Green 5 0.05