Skills for change Planning a campaign
Welcome to skills for change Campaigning: Where to Start Planning a campaign Mobilising support Using digital media Power Mapping Lobbying Hot off the press! (How to get media coverage) Evaluate, evaluate, evaluate
Session objectives Create an effective campaign aim Understand the steps involved in planning a campaign Map how you will measure the success of your campaign
Which is the most effective campaign aim? ‘Better feedback’ ‘The university/college to commit to a maximum of 3 weeks turnaround on written assessment’
Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time bound SMART campaigning Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time bound
Tweet your effective campaign aim on the #skillsforchange hashtag What is your aim? Tweet your effective campaign aim on the #skillsforchange hashtag
Identify the steps involved in campaigning Campaign chain Identify the steps involved in campaigning
Seven deadly sins of campaigning Unclear aims and objectives Activity planning happening before (or without) setting an aim Lack of evidence Going it alone Targeting the wrong decision maker Messages that people don’t care about Forgetting to monitor and evaluate
Session objectives Create an effective campaign aim Understand the steps involved in planning a campaign Map how you will measure the success of your campaign