Memory aid INSTRUCTIONS RULES, ideas & TIPS Created by C. Byrne 2014
What is a memory aid? Is a document created by the student. Contains information, notes, equations, formulas, sample questions, etc. that will assist the student in solving the respective question(s). Should not replace the study aspect of preparing for a test/evaluation. Sometimes referred to as a ‘Cheat Sheet’
rules Double sided sheet of paper Everything on it must be hand written in pen and/or pencil. You can use colours to organize and highlight information. You are not allowed to scan, photocopy, print (from a printing device) or have pictures (from a camera/phone or other device) on your memory aid.
What should be on it? IMPORTANT: Students should only write down information from a published source (textbook/worksheet/website). Never write down information from memory because you could be wrong! Formulas Definitions Rules Class Questions and Solutions Drawings Notes to help you remember certain things you tend to forget.
How should I create it? Start by making a detailed list of everything you want to include on it. What is the Test/Evaluation on? Make a rough copy of the Memory Aid to see how it will look. Check the following: Is all the information correct? Have I included everything that is going to be on the Test/Evaluation? Is it organized so that everything is easy for me to find? Is there any room left where I can add more information/practice questions with solutions? Make a good copy. Add colour and lines to help organize your information.
How do I know if my memory aid is any good? Take worksheets/questions from class and use the Memory Aid to complete the problems. Did it help to answer the questions? Is there anything I can add? Ask a friend/classmate/teacher/parent if they think your Memory Aid will be helpful on a test. Is the information organized and easy to find? If you find the Memory Aid wasn’t helpful then check to see what changes you can make for the next one.
How important is it? Should be the most important tool on your desk!! Get into a habit of using a ‘cheat sheet’ (your notes) everyday day in class. You should model your solutions after the practice problems you included in your memory aid. Refer to the memory aid (notes on that specific concept) each time you start a new problem on your evaluation. It is essential and every student should take their time and complete a Memory Aid for every Test/Evaluation!
sample The sample below can also be found online on our class website.
Sample Side #2