Introduction:- E-Commerce, which primarily refers to buying, selling, marketing and servicing of products or services over internet. Direct marketing is defined as selling products by direct contact with customers without using a retail store. Mail-order catalogs and telephone solicitation are examples of direct marketing.
Direct Marketing through E-Commerce :- Direct marketing offers the products directly to consumers by internet. Example:- Using the electronic mail orders or online orders without the involvement of middlemen. Increase in the use of internet , rapidly increase in direct marketing through e- commerce in developing countries.
APPLICATION OF E-COMMERCE IN DIRECT MARKETING. Telemarketing. Catalogue Marketing. Internet Marketing. ° Web Marketing. ° E-mail Marketing. ° Social Media Marketing. Mobile Marketing.
Catalogue Marketing:- Telemarketing:- ° The act of marketing goods or services to potential customers over the telephone. ° Via call centers products are also sold over telephone. It is also known as telephone marketing. Catalogue Marketing:- ° Print,video or electronic catalogues maybe sent to customers.
Internet Marketing:- ° It refers to advertising and marketing efforts that use the Web and email to drive direct sales via electronic commerce , in addition to sales leads from Web sites or emails. ° It includes:- 1) Web Marketing 2) E-mail Marketing 3) Social Media Marketing.
1) Web Marketing:- 2) E-mail marketing:- ° It includes e-commerce Web sites, affiliate marketing Web sites, promotional or informative Web sites, online advertising on search engines, and organic search engine results via search engine optimization (SEO). 2) E-mail marketing:- ° It involves both advertising and promotional marketing efforts via e-mail messages to current and prospective customers.
3) Social media marketing:- ° It involves both advertising and marketing (including viral marketing ) efforts via social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc. Mobile Marketing:- ° It can be defined as “the use of the mobile medium as a means of marketing communication”.
IMPACTS OF E-COMMERCE ON DIRECT MARKETING. Product Promotion. New Sales Channel. Direct Savings. Reduce Cycle Time. Customer Service. Corporate Image.
Product Promotion :- E-commerce enhances promotion of products and services - - through direct, information-rich, and interactive contact with customers. Example:- Promotion through direct mail.
New Sales Channel :- E-commerce creates a new distribution channel for existing products. It facilitates direct reach of customers and the bi-directional nature of communication.
Direct Savings :- The cost of delivering information to customers over the Internet results in substantial savings to senders when compared with non electronic delivery. Major savings are also realized in delivering digitized products versus physical delivery.
Reduce Cycle Time :- The delivery of digitized products and services can be reduced to seconds. Also, the administrative work related to physical delivery, especially across international borders, can be reduced significantly. Cutting the cycle time by more than 90 percent.
Customer Service :- Customer service can be greatly enhanced by enabling customers to find detailed information online. Also, intelligent agents can answer standard e-mail questions in seconds. Human experts' services can be expedited using help-desk software.
Corporate Image :- On the Web, newcomers can establish corporate images very quickly. Corporate image means trust, which is necessary for direct sales. Traditional companies such as Intel, Disney, Dell, and Cisco use their Web activities to affirm their corporate identity and brand image.
Conclusion :- Increase in the use of internet , rapidly increase in direct marketing through e- commerce. Maintaining better relationship with customers on large scale. Increase customer satisfaction and built corporate image in short term duration.
Thanks A Presentation by:- Harish Sambyal