Causes Of Unemployment The exact causes of unemployment will always be argued because there are several predictions theories and explanations suggested by economists. Unemployment result from and increase in demand rates while the economy operates. Below it growth rate and potential result. However economy faces a great below under the circumstance.
1)Economic Recession
2)Welfare Payments Welfare payment although are security measures for people, cause unemployment to some extent. The aids given by government to the unemployed people actually reduce willingness to work. This is an in direct negative impact of extended unemployment benefits because people become more dependent on the grand receive. This way people remain deliberately unemployed
3)Changing Technology Since technology keeps advancing with passing days, most companies look for a change in workforce .Although, they do not fire people randomly they hire people having specialization in the advanced techniques. A kind of imbalance is caused when they stop involving their own employees in major areas of production and development. In short we can say that ,cuts due to changing technology elevates rate of seasonal unemployment.
4)Economic Inflation Inflation is one of the oldest causes of unemployment a state economy faces a steep rise in rises in prices as compared to other economies of the world. This leads to failure in export as companies are not able to compete with others due to rise in price. Thus, the rate of unemployment increases.
5)Job Dissatisfaction Job dissatisfaction is quintessential for self progress and gaining stability in work. There are many people who take up jobs on temporary basis. Thus job dissatisfaction becomes one of the primary cause behind unemployment
6)Employee Values Often employees are not given the due recognition for their good performance and dedication.This creates unforable work environment which further demotivates employees When values of employees are neglected by the organization they lose interest in their work people remain unemployed until they find a good job.
7)Racial Discrimination Racial discrimination still prevails in many organizations its one of the most serious causes of unemployment people who are not citizens of the particular country refine unemployed due to discrimination on grounds of race, religion caste and ethnicity. Thus earning money for survival becomes difficult and ultimately they are forced to leave to country. These were the most probable reasons behind unemployment people who are unemployed for genuine reasons can register for the unemployment insurances planned by the government and recap the benefits till they find a job.
NEET A NEET is a young person who is nothing education employment or training'. The classification comprise people age between 16and24 (some16 years old are still compulsory school age.) 963,000 people aged 16-24 were NEET in the fourth quarter of 2014,13.1% in this age group. However; not all unemployed. %61of unemployed 16-24 years old are NEET the remaining 39% are in education or training. 47%of people who are NEET the remaining 39%are in education or economically inactive : not seeking work and not available to start work. Current government schemes with elements aimed at reducing the number of young people who are NEET include: raising the participation age, the Young Contract and the Work Programme .
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Italy 24.08 22.82 22.58 22.02 24.75 27.10 11,69 Netherlands 8.07 6.01 6.94 5.62 7.90 7.43 6.88 7.12 Portugal 14.12 13.33 15.20 13.45 15.72 16.37 18.72 Poland 20.09 20.67 18.34 15.55 16.44 17.55 18.57
TURKISH WELFARE POLICY Turkey’s vision document consists of three consecutive sub-heading: ‘Social Welfare ‘’Economic welfare ‘ and ‘local governance and environment .‘The economic welfare section is mainly concerned with the development of the country's various sectors. Initially ,the ‘social welfare ‘section of the vision document stars with defining the improvement in Turkey’ s welfare regime over the last twelve years. Its has to be mentioned that Turkey is standing at a confident point on presenting the series of reforming the educational system, expansions in higher education institutions from 76 to 175 universities ,significant improvements in healthcare services that give a chance to welfare recipients to choose their welfare provider – both public and private ,raising the social assistance budget 15 times when compared to 2002 , expansion of the social security scope and implementing comprehensive social security reform.
Interesting note: the document explicitly mentions that recent policies have doubled adoption figures in the country
Interesting Note: Turkey has the lowest women’s labor force participation rate among Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OEDC) countries, with 29 percent. Visibility of women in social spaces and participation figures of women in decision-making mechanisms are also not promising. Thereis a significant deficiency in the vision document for defining exact and concrete policy tools for increasing women’s economic and social participation
Shaping the welfare state in Turkey for the next decade In the area of welfare policies, Turkey’s vision document clearly emphasizes keeping up the pace of substantial reform and transformation policies.. However still ,the vision document needs to extend its contact toward the structural problems of the country regarding welfare, such as occupational health and safety and demographic and social changes.