The Virginian By Owen Wister 1901
The Prototypical American Hero
- Love story on the surface - Mythologizes the Johnson County, The Virginian - First novel of a prototypical American cowboy - Love story on the surface - Mythologizes the Johnson County, WY war, 1890s - Takes side of large ranchers - Describes frontier justice - Main character is a “natural aristocrat among men”
The Virginian Meanings for Today - West is the antithesis of the East in an era of government corruption, greed and inefficiency. - Westerners became autonomous and heroic. - The cowboy represented fairness, chivalry, hard work, self-reliance and independence. - The Virginian describes the ideal nation as seen by the middle class. - The cowboy came to represent middle class individualism, freedom, equality and opportunity.
Who is the Virginian?