Aluminum Radiant Barriers: The Sustainable Option Markcastic Co. Cassidy Newman, Mark McTiernan, Ryan Marks and Sydney Marks
Project Objectives Identify On-Campus Opportunities Take Advantage of Aluminum’s Intrinsic Properties Increase Product Efficiency/Sustainability
What is Sustainability? “To sustain is to continue our capacity to live life on this planet, to endure.”
Concept Generation Aluminum as substitute Remaking frame of CATA buses Highly recyclable Remaking frame of CATA buses Strong, Lightweight Aluminum Blinds Reflective Aluminum Sunshades Perforated Aluminum Radiant Barrier
Background Information Heat travels from a warm area to a cool area by a combination of conduction, convection, and radiation Heat gain/loss in Summer/Winter Most heat is lost through walls and ceiling (radiant) Conductive: Direct contact Convective: Steam, moisture. Radiant: Electromagnetic.
Solution: Radiant Barrier Install Radiant Barrier in the roof of a new building on campus More viable option for buildings that will be renovated/built Ex: South Residence Halls
What is it? Perforated Aluminum Radiant Barrier Thin sheet of plastic layered with reflective aluminum Installed in Attic or Undersides of Roof Saves energy in Winter and Summer Reduces heat loss or gain
Why Perforated Aluminum
CAD Model
Application to Penn State Buildings currently under construction: Pell Lab Biobehavioral Health Building South Halls Moore/CEDAR South Frear HHD Building…
Benefits Filters the sun’s direct rays, drastically reducing heat loss during the winter. The material is inexpensive, about $0.15 per square foot. Perforations in the aluminum prevent moisture from condensing on the aluminum and allow the moisture to escape to the exterior. Aluminum is unaffected by humidity, unlike normal insulation. In winter, radiant barriers reduce the loss of indoor heat through the attic floor or ceiling. Not vapor barrier - which is not wanted in attic applications
Ease of Use Heavyweight foil is about 30 lb per 1,000 square feet roll Both sides are the same, no top or bottom of foil Doesn’t need to cover entire roof to be effective
Cost- 48” Wide AtticFoil Radiant Barrier Foil
Calculations and Energy Savings 1385.65 sq ft - costs $199.95 for 1500 sq ft based on small one-story home q = Heat transferred in between walls (use q to calculate Energy saved)
Impact on Society/Campus Easily installable - Can be utilized in new construction projects across campus Will drive down costs of heating and cooling Buildings will use less energy - Reduce ecological footprint